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About Motortrademe

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  • Birthday 08/26/1977

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  1. Morning all. Just to lay to rest any confusion around Our platform in it’s start-up phase has not been without its challenges, which I hope all the other business owners here can appreciate. We have not charged any member while we were finding our feet and have taken the decision that there is no benefit in remaining ltd so we put that to bed. Our alliance with the IMDA fits very well and made perfect sense because our values are directly aligned. After working so closely with the IMDA we would like to commend the founders who are genuinely trying to take action and start something that will benefit a massive segment of the trade that often goes largely ignored. The platform is a full dealer trading platform ready to run a great service and the opportunity to line this up for the good of the community is an irresistible one. We are offering the system to members inclusive of an IMDA membership, which carries some cost but I hope that you will appreciate, nowhere near what more profit-centric companies are charging. We hope that this delivers great value back to you all.