It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. ah ha but they dont know who we are with only trade plates showing as the letter they sent us all weeks ago proves this is why my trade plates cover the original numbers double whammy back of the net i wonder how many traders still dont have their plates on the mid though?
  2. this and as i said in an earlier post write all details down just in case she lba's of course the engines going to go pop tommorrow anyway,you did do the oil and filter?
  3. the dacia is just a clio without the bits that go wrong personally never bought one but i recommended a customer buy one for his business and hes more than chuffed with it
  4. i fail to see how you can drive a car with the trade plate in the window especially on a manky day as the windows steam up keep a half hearted conversation going with a customer that farts and ask for the sale as you nearly go through a speed camera at 34 mph and the trade plate doesnt come wizzing off the dash and cut a gonad in half ive never been a fan of plates in car windows and it was never legal anyway so mine stay over the original plates as per
  5. yes otherwise customers abuse you i find
  6. had this done to me i can tell you have far back it was because it was a 1600 onion ghia usual problem diff drop no speedo,sold by what i thought was an honest trader friend this is why from that date onwards i always swore never buy from trade and occasionally ive let my guard down taken in a sob story and taken another lemon off a trader
  7. thanks for the link LawJaw
  8. well i can tell you i dont like this post
  9. brilliant post this one amount of places that think unpriced badly parked flat battery rubbish is doing them any favours just leaves me exasperated,you feel like going in their portakabin kicking the mobile phone they are messing with out of their hand and booming come with
  10. dont buy a chocolate clutch via tinternet ive had plenty of cars this last 5 years where you strip the box down and clutch plate looks perfect even though it was patently slipping
  11. so to summarise i have a car at work that has an invoice in the glove box for new tyres fitted in 1932 should i write in my advert new tyres fitted with invoice to prove?
  12. was it a ford? i stopped using superglue on interior mirrors years ago because of fiesta thin glass breakage issues
  13. the bottom line is we is traders and if joe nick can do the bullseye for 10 nicker wes gonna use im innit
  14. this all comes back to pdi and a watertight invoice personally selling as service history with no back up is just asking for a trading standards visit with their lanyard swinging on their goolies
  15. to add to this ASC write everything down now that has been done what you are going to do etc with all times dates etc you can always have a wedding with such stuff later if it doesnt go to lba
  16. hi no pms from me i stopped mentoring ages ago with regards 2 a month not paying bills i dont understand you forgot to add walk in customer now paid and gone,im only typing this as i taxed it online for them and saw your post click up
  17. yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sell him a car and place a trout under the back seat
  18. Your failing to grasp that a walk in pays more bills,ive had a walk on this morning who.s left a deposit i see it as free advertising and more importantly it was also a referral from a friend of theirs who suggested they came to see me for a car for their son,this is the second referral ive had today,madness to say i would lock the gates 80% of this job is a wait and see game so you spend your time as best you can where the stock is because customers who phone from adverts have short attention spans and need immediate attention when they arrive vis an advert,hell some might as well have a flashing light on their heads saying im here i here the traders who prefer to spunk up at the auctions but who are always on the phone are full of bullshit unless they have someone at base who can deal there was a post yesterday about service history/paperwork etc in a locked office well that pitch may as well shut and the guys get jobs unless it was one of those money fraud pitches that cleanses cash so didnt really want the mushes money
  19. somebody asked me for a tank of petrol and some mats the other month that mike brewer has some questions to answer sometimes
  20. no7 office locked? what kind of place was this?
  21. ive never spent more than £100 on a jump pack and was always frightened of getting them nicked and obviously borrowed and abused whilst away with it (can i just borrow that mate to start my aeroplane kind of guys) anyway my solution is to take a new battery just fitted off the focus i scrapped take the short jump leads off a failed jump pack get some battery clamps and fit these to the battery,place a stick with cable ties through the carry handle secure with tie clips and attach the crocodile clips to the wood so they dont short you are now ready to sit a proper battery in any car and can leave it there usually while you crank till the cows come home
  22. be careful of its rateable value and whether it can be used as a retail site,yes i know you could get 2 years before you were shut down but long term thats not the answer 30 g doesnt go far these days especially once you start buying silly things like cctv £100 padlocks wheel clamps for the one in the door etc but i really wish you the best ,just dont go to the auctions and buy 12 dead legs to make the place look busy i know i keep saying it but new traders keep doing it
  23. ive never spent more than £100 on a jump pack and was always frightened of getting them nicked and obviously borrowed and abused whilst away with it (can i just borrow that mate to start my aeroplane kind of guys) anyway my solution is to take a new battery just fitted off the focus i scrapped take the short jump leads off a failed jump pack get some battery clamps and fit these to the battery,place a stick with cable ties through the carry handle secure with tie clips and attach the crocodile clips to the wood so they dont short you are now ready to sit a proper battery in any car and can leave it there usually while you crank till the cows come home
  24. yes of course do everything in your power to sort it pre lba but i totally disagree,if you are in the right and have the evidence why would you not go to court,i know its nearly 10 months of hell but you cant let the bastards win because this is what they prey on( the customers ) personally like all things in life if a judge hates car dealers you may well be on a hard bat but equally they might be sympathetic too my last case was heard in a totally alien town to me even the court couldn't understand why,maybe the judge asked to sit on it because he could see the claimant was a cow what really boils my juices is there is no where you can check if these people go to the small claims court all the time as a second income ,im sure my last case claimant does it full time
  25. MESSAGE JUST IN FROM EBAY after numerous messages over last 24 hours Thanks for msg, I may still be interested i will speak with my wife tonight.RegardsPhill