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Everything posted by ExCouncilJobsworth

  1. Thank you AD. As said i have been a silent viewer of the forum...i have a confession to make... Anyone told you that you have resemblance to Mike Brewer? Lol! As a punter i would be weary "why is he taking me to a secluded spot? Am i going to get mugged?"
  2. All correct except... Neighbour is causing him grieveance - this is the correct version. Hold on are you sure you didnt make this topic under a different name? Also he might want to reduce num of cars. Sounds like he got few too many. I personally have 2 to 3 at most at any one time. But wont have none at the current auction prices
  3. No he wont likely get it. Why? Because mr residenent association bell end will make comments on the application and "will get others to" as well Every time an app is submitted letters to any effected parties are sent out... Their comments will be taken into consideration. It's actually a c*unt way of getting someone closed down... Its a double whammy in a strange way.. He tells you that you need PP then you submit it..then he gets others and himself to make comments against it... In such cases its refused he has to appeal and needs a good consultant to dig up case law etc and put strong case forward Remember PP includes the ovebearing impact on to those in vicinity... Just like how your neighbour gets his house extended... It is overbearing your house and blocking light etc... You're asking for trouble if you are painting cars at home lol... You need extraction fans etc Exactly. In the likelihood of any appeal you can say premises costs huge rent, business rates etc,utilities etc etc and in this economic climate plus brexit as a small business i will struggle... It brings more fields into play...for you to counter attack mr n00binator next door...
  4. What did they say? No no. Because you dont have an open pitch at home... Driveway with 20 cars... A boards at main roads inviting people in / banners etc. You're not open 9 to 5... Etc Material change for a house = 1) downstairs becomes a dental practice upstairs is flats. 2) Or the whole house is now a GP surgery. The volumes of traffic Mon to Fri is unbelievable... And even so as said before its a grey area... So your timings will be looked at. "Ah Mr Billies come between 10am to 2pm mostly to beat the traffic. And residents are at work during these hours" The other factor is the impact on neighbours and privacy. So for all the examples here gp and dentals would cause congestion noise make the area busy. Whereas you will get 5 or 10 or whatever fixed appts. And of course they wont be at stupid o clock... Hope that helps. Thank you. How can i help?
  5. 100% Before i retired from council... They were rolling out working from home. So you could work from home half of the week. And some colleagues went from home to site visits. Imagine all the planning applications that would be submitted to the LPA to do this You're drunk lol
  6. Now now... Ironing him out will result in you being nicked. Im a reg reader... Lots of fun stuff to read here but i thought something i can comment on with valuable advice
  7. Lol at the rules. They're non statutory! Give him an xmas card and some chocs! He might calm down or cry bribery
  8. Hi there planning legislation is a massive grey area and it depends on who you speak to at the council and the outcome can vary. There isn't a material change of use as pointed out by one of the posters above. This is similar to someone running a home business like eBay or the local spotty teen running a window tint service. Your cars are advertised on the net and you dont have a walk in business thus your customers attend by appointments. So there is no large quantities of traffic. Your neighbour could have lots of visitors day in day out that are loud and this could go on for several hours of the day. Whereas your punter might be there for 20 mins has a rant and goes. You could get planning permission i mean apply for it or you could operate as you are now. In either case if the LPA approaches you they may advise you to apply or alternatively serve an enforcement notice for you to cease the use of business. If you are refused planning permission or served with a notice in either case you can make a free of charge appeal to the inspectorate. If you appoint a planning consultant to act on your behalf you will obviously have to pay his fees. The appeal process can take months and in this time you can still operate. This neighbour sounds like some residence association leader we used to have in a west London council area...always making complaints even though he might be 5 or 6 miles away... He was racist... So do ask yourself are you being picked on because of being a minority on the road? Might sound silly but when i did planning inspections i would go round and find no issue then the complainant would twist it and make a different allegation... All whilst the complained told me this neighbour has called the police, other council depts and what else on me! They always use the solicitor excuse to scare you off... I now sell 2 to 3 cars here and there and my neighbours are fantastic. I always tell the punters off if they park nearly blocking a neighbours drive etc so make sure your punters dont prat about and it is a pain when the eastern europeans turn up with 10 of them to view a £1200 runner...