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Everything posted by EPV

  1. You could feed an African village on the leftover McDonald’s in that. Imagine what their houses look like. Probably dead animals wedged down the sofa. “I haven’t seen tiddles for a few days, have you?” ”no luv, pass me another bag of crisps will ya?”
  2. Pfff, what do you know, you’re from the midlands
  3. I was very close to becoming a Lapiz blue golf r owner, those deals were legendary. I went with a 435i vert instead. Lovely cars to look at those R’s.
  4. Hello, welcome to the forum. I don’t know what that idea would achieve. If you can’t ask a few subtle questions and get a feel for whether your “punter” is actually a “dreamer” then you need to work on those skills I think rather than consider off putting ways of filtering the wheat from the chaff. Such a scheme may well drive away the test pilots but it will also drive away a lot of genuine buyers who will fee uncomfortable with such a draconian way of doing business.
  5. That’s a 50 mile radius from you. I expect a 50 mile radius from Gary will be different, lower in all three cases. In fact 50 miles west of Gary you’re very wet and very cold and very drowned I expect.
  6. Take note other newbies, this is how you get some help from other traders on here, you ask for simple help (not asking us to write a legal letter for you) carry out that advice and if it doesn't work, use self flagellation as an alternative source of humour. I'll be brutally honest here mate, your advert is a significant improvement on the first attempt and you're to be commended. You've still got dirty pedals on your silver Pixo? but that won't stop someone picking the phone up. What is likely happening is there is little demand in your area for what is basically a first time driver, little old lady car. In silver. The inside of these cars is soul destroying, not everyone wants or can afford a flashy German saloon slaughtered in leather and wood but your average first time driver will want something a little more exciting than the soulless interior of a Nissan Pixo. That's assuming you can find a first time driver within a reasonable travelling distance of you, which you may not have and even if you did have, they may well spend their car shopping time going to a large supermarket so they can get a choice of 6 rather than drive 50 miles to you, 50 miles to someone else and so on. In short, if there's fuck all wrong with your price, little wrong with your presentation then it's obvious why your phone isn't ringing. Desirability. The small car market is competitive at the best of times but even more so when your offering to the market is not a Fiat 500 or an SXI Corsa or a Titanium Fiesta. Not exactly auto-motives finest moments but a little more interesting than your stock. I get the impression you're quite rural? If so then don't buy small petrol first time cars, buy big old miley diesels that people can chuck dogs and shite in the back of and bump into fences and gate posts and not give a toss. You're doing great by preparing these cars well, new this and new that but if you're minting up cars that nobody local to you wants, whats the point? People WILL travel, I've had people from Ireland and Holland but they won't travel for your cars, not when they could find very similar much closer to home. My advice would be to think about your stock profile, who's going to buy your cars etc.
  7. This is something of a moot point here. The short term right to reject can only be exercised if there is a fault with the goods (fault as defined by the CRA) and the consumer can prove the fault was there at the point of sale. In which case, if it WAS there at the point of sale and it is a fault that renders the vehicle as not fit for purpose etc etc then the consumer couldn't possibly have driven the car more than a few miles (say 50 maximum) before the fault manifested itself sufficiently to make the can not fit for purpose etc. So any refund would be buttons, £25 or something. If, the consumer managed to put 500 miles on the car then there would be sufficient doubt as to whether the car had the fault at the point of sale, in which case the consumer isn't entitled to the short term right to reject and instead a repair should be offered.
  8. I had a scenario yesterday when a lady brought a friend (also a lady, don’t get excited they didn’t look as you may picture them) who’s pride and joy was? An mx-5. I almost stopped the test drive as soon as she told me as I thought there’s no possible way this lady won’t find something wrong with the car but low and behold she couldn’t. See, they do exist!
  9. Pretty conclusive to me. It would be unreasonable to expect a billy to rack up 2,000 miles in 25 days and then get the purchase price back should they be in a position to obtain a refund. It would make it difficult to prove the fault was there at the point of sale if they’d driven it 2,000 miles anyway but if we’re examining the letter of the law then I think you can deduct for usage from mile one.
  10. I too also do a pressure test on the cooling system to pick up things like this. Well, my garage does.
  11. Agreed, said the same a week ago. There was that lad with the Polo a couple of months ago and he got plenty of great advice here. Never to be seen again. Developing as in happening pre sale, at the point of sale, post sale. Some things don’t just fail on cars, they are failing gradually in some cases. How you prove the fault was there at the point of sale isn’t always easy. Gearboxes for example, don’t just fail. Starter motors are either working, or they’re not. A judge could easily be convinced that a head gasket was failing at the point of sale despite showing no physical signs at the point of sale. That’s if we’re talking court proceedings here of course. I doubt that would ever happen on a car like this. Are you sure about that? Ignore that last bit just seen the other post.
  12. Yes mate that’s the kind of price range I was looking at, cheers.
  13. It will be a converted container mate, rented, so yes.
  14. Not sure that solar would be man enough mate, granted I don’t want to power Blackpool illuminations but having seen the pathetic output those garden solar lights have I can only imagine i’d need more solar panels than I could shake a stick at
  15. You sure you weren't a gippo in a previous life?
  16. I've possibly found a plot of land I can turn into a pitch (appointment only type, not open pitch) and it has water but no electric, so the logical thing is to buy a generator. I'm clueless about outputs and requirements etc, so working on the basis I will want to power a few lights in a portacabin, a couple of wall sockets too and around 10 halogen type floodlights dotted around the plot, what sort of output would I likely need from a diesel genny? Cheers in advance.
  17. Only £7 this lot, worked nicely for me a few weeks ago; https://instantfordradiocodes.co.uk/
  18. Indeed. Nick MK is having his best month ever profit wise, AD had his third best month last month and has had a nice steady month this month, Mark 101 is having a nice month now after a slow start, Rory’s slow month has picked up nicely and those are just the ones I know about. Ebb and flow.
  19. Of course people are selling. listening to some of the traders on here you’d think we were all doomed.
  20. http://casestudies.atlanticmotorcar.com/audi-engine-oil-consumption-correction/ American but likely to be the same. I’ve already sent him the link above mate, unless there’s a leak or it smokes he can suffer it i’m afraid, I didn’t build the bloody engine. He was already aware of the characteristics of the 1.8 engine and he thought it wasn’t the same for the 2.0. I don’t know why. Probably read PistonHeads.
  21. Thanks mate, i’m not alarmed as Audi themselves stated in a press release that pre 2011 tfsi engines are known to use oil. In fact it states in the handbook that it used 1 litre per 1,000 miles. Customer claims to have done a couple of long runs and has spent £90 on oil which at a guess seems a higher rate of usage than the manufacturer say to allow for but still nothing like 1 litre for 150 miles. Appreciate the warning though, cheers.
  22. Actually I have a live example of what I mean. I sold a 2008 Audi A3 2.0 TFSI with 80k on 6 weeks ago. Chap gets in contact to say he’s using/losing oil/coolant. I point out to him that even Audi themselves state these engines use oil but that doesn’t explain the coolant. I ask him to check for smoke (nothing) then to put a piece of cardboard under his engine bay for a weekend and to give me a call on Monday and if it’s leaking i’ll get him booked in to my garage for a look. He doesn’t have a formal warranty with me by the way. He also mentions that the heater/ac blower has stopped working. Now, in theory i could easily point this out as working on the PDI and now 6 weeks later it doesn’t. The heater blower either works or it doesn’t. It did, now it doesn’t. I’m not liable to fix this as it’s clearly a fault that has developed and the consumer has been unlucky that it’s packed up. I believe I would stand an excellent chance of winning in court based on the age/mileage and pre sale process. I will of course, fix it for him, especially as he’s likely had an unpleasant shock at how much oil his engine uses and how he’s going to have to live with it, me fixing his blower will make him feel better. But strictly speaking from the law side of things, i’m confident i’m Not liable.