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Posts posted by Dealer

  1. 9 hours ago, EPV said:

    I learned that the hard way. I took a Qashqai into my local gaff, they do a good job for fifty quid when I haven’t got time. Anyway the seat occupancy light was flashing away like a strobe when I picked it up and I didn’t clock why. My mechanic just disconnected the system for me and that was that. 

    I passing the valet gaff a fortnight later and saw one of them washing down a seat with a sponge and soapy water like he was washing a window. That was an “aha!” Moment. 

    I've seen them pouring kettles of hot water over them! 

  2. 9 hours ago, EPV said:

    The Titan one I bought works fine on carpets and I can't see why it wouldn't work on seats. You shouldn't be getting the seats soaking wet anyway cos it plays havoc with the seat belt sensor. Use Autosmart Brisk which doesn't over wet the fabric.

    Soooo many crap valeters soak the seats, set off the seat occupancy sensors and ping the airbag light on. 

  3. 1 hour ago, jayrussell17 said:

    Hey guys


    having never got involved in private plates, have a customer wanting to bring his chop in with private plate and drive off with his private plate on the same day, not done it since it was online is this do able or retention only till both log books are in his name?


    Any help much appreciated

    Must register the car to him first, also tax it. Cant put plate on without a keeper or road tax. 

  4. Ok, been in stock for approx 6 weeks, used a few times, been test driven etc but today after using it for around 20 miles while waiting at traffic lights it came up with a transmission error message in second gear, wouldn't change up but as we approached traffic lights it went down to neutral and has decided to stay there since. I've disconnected the battery for 20 mins, locked and left the car, all in the hope that it resets itself but to no avail. Anyone on here have any experience with these things? 

    Currently awaiting recovery by the way. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Stalker said:

    They are a very primitive system parking sensors, and can usually be diagnosed and repaired cheaply. If you can work out the faulty sensor then get the part numbers off the unit and search Ebay, most of the time they can be picked up for under £20.

    Plus painting, plus fitting, plus charges for code reads to work out which one is playing up........not to mention the faulty ones purchased or wrong ones sent by suppliers etc

  6. Ok, so I've got approx 3 vehicles (that I'm aware of) that have a parking sensor fault either intermittently or permanently. Now we don't deal in newer stuff generally and the cars I'm referring to are approx ten years plus or thereabouts. Do you guys tend to ensure every single thing is working (i have read the a/c thread previously which i appreciate is a similar scenario). Just curious how far others go with older cars and minor faults. 

  7. 5 hours ago, sparky said:

    As long as the gearbox is ok, get it bought. Always used to do well with them. Last one I had was in bright yellow and the phone didn't stop ringing for it.

    I bought a bright yellow / gold colour one a few years back, Automatic with low miles and it flew out. Did have to fit a new motor to one of the doors, cost approx £40. There's a bum for every seat! 

  8. On 19/05/2018 at 0:59 PM, Matt Reid said:

    i'm with Barclays too, but to avoid commission charges pay it into your personal account and then transfer it over. It's what I do and the staff on the counter couldnt care less.

    I opened up an active saver account to avoid the excessive fees then just transfer over same as you 

  9. 21 hours ago, chief runnin bee said:

    sold a car a few weeks back with every check box checked

    full new mot ,this car was sold before it had been unloaded

    i was delivering it as the customer was a new driver

    guess what

    the eml came on on the delivery 

    They knock them off before they go into the ring, most cars take a few miles for the eml to come back on, it's not always instantly lit once codes have been cleared. 

  10. Got a 56 clio diesel, 152k, doesn't fail to start and goes forever on a tenner....... Oh and its got a fully working sliding sunroof....... Actually drives really well too. Not ashamed to admit i enjoy running around in it. 

    • Like 2

  11. 7 minutes ago, EPV said:

    I’m sure you chaps have all been here before to some degree. All of a sudden for no reason you’ll sell 6 in a week and start to panic about not having enough stock!

    True, get despondent then things do actually pick back up 

  12. 2 hours ago, Arfur Dealy said:

    Ive never known it so quiet, with only 2 sold so far it’s my worst start to a month. Both of my customers cars had blown up so they were forced to purchase. 

    Arfur, same here, just cannot see the next sale the way it is at the moment. Got 40 in stock, even considered taking a low ball offer off a polish guy on the weekend just to get some coins in! 

  13. 4 minutes ago, BHM said:

    Motorised colanders but even when finally entering the scrapyard they drove in under their own steam.

    I was just a youth in the 70s but on any Sunday you’d see men working on cars outside their house doing maintenance with cars jacked-up or sheets of glass fibre trying to make the most of whatever heap of shite they owned. 

    As for the winter months, for many it was a lottery whether or not their car would even start.

    Now look at the ingrates! The great unwashed come here & whinge about stonechips on cars with 100K on the clock. 

    So correct, they expect new cars for used car money. 

  14. I steer clear of these and discos because of these types of situations, simply not worth the hassle. It's an 11 year old bus thats awfully expensive to repair even small things on. Frightens the crap out of me if im honest 

  15. 3 hours ago, Anglo9 said:

    Think I'll just leave it there , he seems to have accepted it . Thing is I make a specific point of telling customers that we don't check the A/C on older cars because if it's not a gas issue the repairs are just so disproportionate to the cars value , same with parking sensors/bluetooth/satnav . The aim is get them safe and reliable , yet they get on their high horse about 'fit for purpose' FFS !

    Same here, getting bumpers off to renew condensers which have a leak from a stone hitting it, or compressors that are knackered. There's no point. Tell the buyer to gas it themselves....... Or go and buy a new car! 

    2 hours ago, justina3 said:

    this is what we do, you see all the adds AC park assist blah blah can of worms, if you advertise if then it should work 

    Same...... If I know its not cold then i dont list it as a feature 

  16. 20 minutes ago, twerp said:

    :o  How do you get away with it?

    Not sure it is a business model I would be comfortable with.

    You would not get away with it in the Midlands without a fight.

    I agree wholeheartedly with this statement, not taking anything away from Simon's methods though as he certainly seems able to hang onto his profits!