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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    At the polar opposite end of the market, Dodgy Duncan would have made for a brilliant interview! A very affable Irishman who was the master of yarns. He's been retired for some 15 years now but memories of DD linger on. A right craic!
  2. 1 point
    love it you say hes retired but his old property is selling mobility scooters, maybe he still has a finger in the pie?
  3. 1 point
    Customers expect some form of warranty for sure , its a question they will ask you every time . Depends on the approach to warranty and how its explained , NO One covers wear and tear on a used car So you need to explain that warranty covers a LIST of parts that fail . But all this really does depend on how good you are at mechanical prep before you sell it . We all have to admit that when someone sells a used car and we buy it to resell there is going to be a problem of some sorts to fix before we sell it . So our rule is here , FIX it before its sold , we don't get warranty claims then . Life at that point is easier . Self administered is the way to go from a cost point of view and it helps you remain in control , but you have to know how to handle the situation when or if it arises . A third party warranty will say no to just about everything and then the call comes back to you anyway , Hard choices though because unless you have a workshop its expensive all way round . Golden 3 secrets , PREP PREP PREP before sale
  4. 1 point
    The book was good! It was an 8/10 from me!