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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/22 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Agreed, it kills a car stone dead. I know which cars will look brown underneath so 2 or 3 tins of Schutz before I visit the tester does the trick. I also check the MOT histories of every car I’m interested in bidding on & if I see “corrosion” I immediately forget the car - once it’s on an MOT it’s a brave tester who then won’t pass comment on a subsequent MOT.
  2. 1 point
    I changed mot stations when tester started listing slight corrosion to all underside because its a killed sale Strangely my mot tester now will only write this on a test if I bought him something like a micra from the northeast or a hyundai or say a kia because once they reach 6 years old from a life in Sunderland they are indeed really nasty underneath
  3. 1 point
    Long term you’re better off with a harder tester & because you’ve already identified the car’s latest test is somewhat suspect I’d be getting it tested properly (after a coat of Schutz). Shite testers passing shite cars is a recipe for comebacks & possible disasters. Personally I’d rather draw a blank on a car with a proper MOT than make a few quid selling a death trap that ends up snuffing someone out - however plenty of banger sellers will disagree!
  4. 1 point
    It was already MOT before i brought it from BCA.. My MOT tester very strict if it was MOT myself.
  5. 1 point
    Find another mot tester
  6. 1 point
    Some lads can make it pay (I think those buying lumpier stock where private buyers don’t like buying privately) but I sacked it off many many moons ago. Like yourself, at the lower end I usually found it a waste of time looking at severely misdescribed shite. The last time I actively went buying from privates was in pre-Facebook times. I’d hate to think what it’s now like buying from one of the many ‘privates’ on FB wanting to meet in Asda’s car park A couple of tins of Hammerite Schutz & 10 minutes of your garage’s time with their spray gun is your friend here. As we’ve all found out there are MOTs & there are MOTS. Sometimes I wonder what the hell the last tester was advising on, yet others pass cars that are blatantly unroadworthy.