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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Carzo zam inch or whatever they call them selves thought they had cornered the mkt with online delivery . THEN the virus changed the world , BCA even went online , We as independent traders went online too and there's 1,000's of car sellers delivering cars now which has probably diluted the theory somewhat . Now the next change in my head , people will get permission to leave their house to be in a freaky position of actually seeing what buy , Bugger getting it delivered I'm off for a ride & have a look at my next car , buy a burger and a coffee on the way , see it coming cant you . Had two customers yesterday wanting to see the car they want to buy , talk of how does it work is fading fast as of course they want to see a 5 yr old car , feel it touch it sit in it before buying . We and the rest of us independents are set up to go back to showing customers cars of course , see online car buying fading away personally . People are ready to get out . lets see how the next few months go , all the very best to all traders , hope its heading for a good year .
  2. 1 point
    As you say in my opinion Id almost guarantee many the car dealers here will still be trading long after carzoo