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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/21 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Civvies are probably still buying, bca seam to be giving anyone a gold card these days.
  2. 1 point
    So the old war cry of "ban the civilians" didn't result in lower prices after all
  3. 1 point
    The best way to deal with this situation is to say you have spent your buying budget for the month You don't get negative feedback then
  4. 1 point
    It's worth going thru the T&Cs of the bigger companies such Cinch etc as they have some very well written clauses. For example but not limited to: £500 retained until V5 sent back....many main agents do this and, interestingly, a Vauxhall dealer does a similar act for service history that has been declared for a px car but, not with the car on handover of said px. A set see 'if it fits' mileage is declared, Cinch are more generous than others at 250 miles, then a £1 per mile after that. Personally mine would be something like 80 miles and even that is being soft....that's ample to do a some lengthy trips of an hour or so. £500, which we will hold pending you returning the most recent V5C registration document to us in accordance with section 12.6. We need the V5C to be returned because the value of the Car will reduce without it; and You are entitled to use the Car to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Car. We consider this use to be similar to a couple of test drives which you would receive if you were buying a Car from a dealer face to face. You must not use the Car after notifying us that you are cancelling the Agreement and you must keep the Car in good condition from the date of Delivery. We are entitled to charge you if the value of the Car has reduced as a result of excessive use by you or any damage you caused to the Car. We may charge you: 12.5.1 if the Car has been driven for more than 250 miles since Delivery, a fee equal to £1.00 for each mile driven in excess of 250 miles (Excess Mileage Payment); and/or 12.5.2 if the value of the Car has been reduced because it is not in the condition it was in at Delivery, our reasonable costs to repair the Car so that it is in the condition it was in at Delivery (Damage Payment). I have to say, I have never had an issue doing 'long distance' sales....but then again people were so much easier to deal with back pre C19 and, my prep/descriptions are solid and, ALWAYs undersell the car, I won't have it any other way. I know the return rate for Cazoo is substantial if, I can believe the delivery driver I spoke to before Crimble time but to be fair to him, some of the descriptions and prep' work I've seen, well you know. Family friend is a solicitor and, for a drink he drew up some teas and seas after I engaged a erm 'car dealers legal service' to do them and they made a complete dogs breakfast of the job, embarrassingly so, another story though. I've used these terms and just massaged them from time to time. .....ohh hang on there was one ohh, years ago when I was selling a lot of Jags, this was a late (then) Jaguar XJ that was bought for a 40th birthday present for a guys wife, who made Margo from the Good Life look happy....both GP's. Husband had bought an XJ6 Sport from me before and, the brief for her Jag was this, that and, the other but, HAD to be Sapphire Blue with Magnolia skin, no, nada, zero movement on that. A million photos taken, war and peace listing and a phone call walk around all OK'd, serviced and MOT'd ready to go and paid for up front as I had to store the car for a week. ...guy came up from the West Country (again) and, the wife took one look at the Jag and, I knew she wasn't happy as soon as she opened the door, tooth sucking, nose wrinkling 'n sniffing like I'd dropped one in the car earlier after, a heavy night on the Indian and, she shut the door a bit too smartly. long story short.....she genuinely thought Magnolia meant grey (that would be Windsor grey ma'm yes really, you'd think with a million houses in magnolia.....) they would of bought and walked but, I just KNEW the slightest excuse she would be rucking. So, I unwound the deal, kept a few quid for the hassle to which they didn't refuse so right move on my part I thought, she wanted out and, he wanted out to save him from hell of an unhappy Margo. ...sold the Blue and, very much Magnolia Jagwaaarrr three days later at a few 'undred quid more too, if I remember correctly. Here's the thing though, you can't do business at the moment without doing 'distance sales' so embrace it or go tits up.