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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    For what it’s worth I’ll be sitting on my hands, I think cash will be king in a month or so. From the conversations i’ve had with friends and ex-colleagues still lucky to be working for some of the big dealer groups, September didn’t save most of them and sales have dropped off a cliff since (to quote more than one sales manager’s exact words). I think they will be liquidating aging stock/raising money come December. Add that to the delayed finance repossessions that have got to start filtering through at some point and desperate sellers needing quick cash, think the used car market could get decidedly messy. And that’s before you even get to brexit/3rd wave/zombie companies.......
  2. 1 point
    The same happened to Copart. A few “influencers” on YouTube started channels showing apparently how easy it was to buy and repair salvage off your driveway to make money. Now thousands of their viewers have got a copart account, the prices shot through the roof and nobody can afford anything.
  3. 1 point
    I’ve not bought privately for over a decade cos I can’t be doing with wasting my time trawling around looking at deliberately misdescribed cars. Also what is it with punters at the moment? Even the Mrs noted the other day how many start with “I used to be in the trade”
  4. 1 point
    ....... eat out help out didn't help anyone, brainless idea. Now we're all fooked up again.