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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I know this has been mentioned before over the last few months but I was thinking yesterday with furlough ending next month and a lot of auction staff still off work are physical auctions gone for good? Bca seam in no rush to reopen and having recently launched their collection booking app I can’t see it happening anytime soon.
  2. 1 point
    BCA are looking at opening a very restricted type of sale , one buyer per account & masked up , but its looking like the type of sale thats for the cheapie stuff just one day a week or two weeks . Thats from the horses mouth when i collected a car from our local BCA and talking to the manager , confirmed by another guy same day too . Online is far to easy for them isnt it Less admin people , less cleaners , No drivers. Cars dont need moving , More car park space , The staff arent in uniform , No Vendors to take care of creeping about . Just too easy at present
  3. 1 point
    I agree with this, feels like we’re all in the same boat now. Before, when watching online, if something was going through the hall cheap it actually put me off bidding as I’d often wonder why nobody in the hall was interested. Stupid as it sounds I feel like I have more confidence bidding online now that I used to.
  4. 1 point
    Oh I agree, there is no substitute for seeing and hearing in person, but at lest it creates a level playing field for all. I find i save a lot of time being able to buy online and arrange a collection.
  5. 1 point
    For us long in the tooth traders there is no substitute for seeing and hearing cars in the flesh. You develop a good eye for sorting the wheat from the chaff. Online just doesn't cut it. And no, I don't trust the gradings. The savings and efficiencies benefit the auction house, not the buyer.
  6. 1 point
    As someone who is new to the trade, have to say, I don't think i could have started at a better time, in terms of being able to buy online. I can carry on with my day job, and buy and reserve a time to collect, it's wonderful for efficiencies. As far as BCA go, looking out what things are selling for, why would they go back to a physical auction, even if the prices weren't silly, they are saving enough on not having their sites open to public as it is. For a buyer, guess it puts us on a level playing field.
  7. 1 point
    Covid Zombie Apocalyse, all these firms have gone barking fuckin mad, from the crap you guys are describing, to just, well, a piss poor service @umesh Jepsons Plates, bejayzus, don't recall seeing one of them on a Car for decades, glad to hear they still going
  8. 1 point
    That'll work, until you get a keen fucker and go to court, at which point you'll be facing jail on a perverting the course of justice charge ................... The beaks take a very dim view of that, I know many who got done back in my Biker years, the trick would be to put a plate on with just 1 digit different, "Oh dear me I honestly hadn't noticed that .... The guy who made the plates musta made an error occifer" Personally, I just prefer an easy life these days, I just use my TP's correctly
  9. 1 point
    I've used Jepson & Co, Sheffield since about 2003! Great company, products and service. highly recommended.
  10. 1 point
    I called the coppers out to work last week, when they eventually turned up it was in a 53 plate corsa, I guess funding must be tight
  11. 1 point
    I had a factor close my account when I went back to work, apparently I didn't spend enough on parts in lockdown, you really couldn't make this crap up, I'm now using eurocarfarts more