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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    The latest I read was inside information that the govt look at self employed tax records see that you are in a trade unable to work ie car sales and they pay us 80% this is what I expect to keep going It will be Monday before announced or possibly late Friday night Dont pass it on To add all those in the black economy stuffing notes in their pockets are stuffed and good too
  2. 2 points
    @MarkTVS @Stillnotadealer Moderate your tone and language or you'll both be removed. The comments above aren't helpful or nice. Play nicely or you'll be removed from the forum.
  3. 1 point
    You're very welcome! I'm doing them daily now at midday on the website and on our YouTube channel
  4. 1 point
    Probably the worst timing in the world to launch a car sales business.
  5. 1 point
    I think the point was that we will pay as a society in some way as money doesn’t get conjured up from nowhere without implications. lets hope it’s higher taxes, not hyper inflation.
  6. 1 point
    Didn’t Honest John recently go into administration? Says it all.
  7. 1 point
    Not always, Of late the stupid ones we get are reasonably normal middle management or retired types who probably do have the money but they think they know best as they have read Honest John.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    many thanks stay safe as well
  10. 1 point
    Hi Casper the wife has just had to go for a blood test I've asked her to be diligent both for herself and also to others I'm still not sure if I've had this virus yet as I had the symptoms last year
  11. 1 point
    Well that tells me it's a long shutdown for us,maybe 6 months..? No inside information on this one as my source is self isolating
  12. 1 point
    Security I updated my camera system 3 weeks ago because I knew we were going to have to shut My system came from a Chinese British supplier and the system from ebay is really cheap, less than £200 once you add a quality hard drive This is for 8 hardwired cameras,no rubbish wire free ones that are useless in the rain I bought a floureon system and it took 10 minutes to connect it to the free cloud so no further charges I have an old phone at the side of me at home and currently am looking both at the outside of my premises and internally,the night vision on these bullet cameras is absolutely superb I have also bought some smart live plug in wifi plugs connected to some 20 watt smd outside lights, I also bought these 2 weeks ago,I go on the app on my phone and can turn them on and off,they cost£5 each Additionally I have an outside microphone on an ebay extension lead that is placed near to my business entrance so it picks up all sounds these microphones are £3 on ebay and the lead about £6 the power supply is an old modem one12 volt So for £210 I've just watched 2 lads with bikes circle my property and disappear All these articles were bought from ebay and came within 3days Hth