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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Just thinking, any car coming off a private plate, a change of address, duplicate V5 etc. etc. will generate a very recent date anyway.
  2. 2 points
    I have this problem when I'm selling cars from our serial car buyer , he lives 2miles away and seriously has bought 8 cars from us this year alone , sold him a Scirocco last week and yesterday he was back asking us when we are getting any GTI Golfs in or 220 VRS Skodas as he fancies one next . He now brings a letter with him to pass on to any other buyer explaining he has a problem buying cars and keeping them . Last year he bought a VRS off another trader in Sheffield and didn't like the colour " Blue " drove it down and part exchanged it for an RS 265 CUP Megane we we had two days later , Just give him a price and boom deal done , But i still hate it when the next buyer says how long has the last owner had this car then " well let me tell you a story about that "and show them his nice written letter seems to always work . I've tried getting him to tax monthly and then i don't think I'd send the V5 off he's back that quick , Feel like renting him one sometimes but selling it is more beneficial to my bank account
  3. 1 point
    Plenty of time for everything. 8 hours work 8 hours play (drinking) 8 hours sleep Only 5 days a week though, need to increase play and sleep on Sat and Sun.
  4. 1 point
    It’s more useful for seeing if you have the most recent v5. And not having an old useless one from ages ago.
  5. 1 point
    I leave at 5 everyday. The amount of times they are ‘just leaving’ or ‘on their way’ and they never show is incredible.
  6. 1 point
    What’s wrong with you, you Pussy? Don’t you like buying a car then finding the previous keeper got it a week last Wednesday?
  7. 1 point
    I got in to trouble last year for blacking up, apparently it's not PC and not what Black friday is meant to be about so I don't think i'll bother this year.
  8. 1 point
    My old dad used to offer that sort of deal years ago , he was a greengrocer . Oranges were 10p each or 5 for 60p . i was amazed how many old dears bought 5