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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Why are you purchasing trouble ? Shite market for scummy buyers. Horrible game in my book.
  2. 1 point
    The big elephant in the room is "retirement age" and pensions. People are too fussed on having an easy retirement...they live tightly now... Fact is you wont enjoy retirement because you will be limited due to shit health and health related problems. Retirement age is constantly increased and people dont understand retirement is just before death lol... And some people never make it to retirement anyway. Its not like you're going to live to 200... There is no wealth without health There can be health without wealth
  3. 1 point
    I know a guy with a big pitch who lives in a nice neighbourhood with the best house in the street.No X5 or RR sport crap for him,he uses the recovery truck ( it’s a good one) and parks it on his drive.Mind you,I think he does this on purpose to annoy his next door neighbour who is a pain having attained the status of president of a local golf club.
  4. 1 point
    well said, merry xmas
  5. 1 point
    I don't drive a smoker to save money, but because it's more practical. I'm not interested in buying a chavvy luxury car to impress the great unwashed, done that been there. I don't sit in a room warming my hands around a candle? My 'treats' and indulgences are not car related.
  6. 1 point
    +1 You can't take it with you when you go tits up !! And I'm buggered if I'm leaving it all here for everyone to argue over I bet if I carked it next week all the idiots in my family will be fighting over the house and the "new" (2017) MB, yet there is more money sat in the 2 tool boxes and the shelves in the workshop
  7. 1 point
    If they are approved with 24/7 then they are an approvable customer so just bang it over to your broker and earn some coms rather than having to pay it.
  8. 1 point
    A bit of background, I am very new to the trade, just moved from home to a very small pitch. I still buy what I like however I have recently needed to broaden my horizon and have been very pleasantly surprised. I had a very nice Kia Soul Auto (sorry EPV) which I was surprised with how good the build and quality was, and a Ford Focus which was a good spec but what a great car, So I have now started looking at everything that catches my eye. I love estates and autos, but now also see the appeal of good quality everyday cars, no I don’t try and compete with the big boys and always have to buy them at a great price but this has really changed my plans and made me love this trade even more. i also buy online at auction and absolutely panic each time as to what I am going to get, although I do find if you ring the auctions and ask if someone can go look over the car before hand and call you while at the car they seem very helpful and calms me a bit. I do still spend my week at local auctions finding other stuff and getting a feel for things which I recommend to anyone for experience. Also I need to start sorting delivery as the drive home is nerve racking, 5 hours in a car you don’t know I always sweat buckets.
  9. 1 point
    Each to their own.. you keep buying online but until the Assured Reports and Condition reports have a massive improvement I'll keep using my own judgement and eyes to buy cars.
  10. 1 point
    Anyone who wouldn't is a poof
  11. 1 point
    No you can’t fix stupid at any price point.