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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    At the end of the day regardless of the fact that mini engines are chocolate and the private billy is a skint member he bought a car off a “professional” (the judge would say because he does not understand cars.... we know it’s cus he can’t get Chucky to buy cheap off back street bob) if a fault occurred in 30 days only an unprofessional dealer would wriggle.... I would have got It back and inspected as soon as a complaint was made then if report said it was faulty it would have been fixed, we are meant to be the professionals here not ones who hide from our obligations, if I paid an electrician to do a job and it wasn’t right I would expect him to make it right cus I don’t understand electrics I wouldn’t be wanting to contribute when I had paid top dollar a month before... We all like a good profit but sometimes we get shit and we need to move on,,,, unless of course billy is taking the piss.
  2. 1 point
    I think it’s at any stage mate. If someone puts 2,000 miles on a car in 3 weeks it’s hardly reasonable to give a full refund?
  3. 1 point
    He’d lose in court. All day long. I do but only if they want to be worked with. Based on what’s been said, they have spoke directly to the finance company who are technically the owners of the car. If they’re going down that route it seems the billy doesn’t want to be worked with. Pointless trying to pretend this is anything but a nailed on long drawn out battle ending in a very quick loss for the OP.
  4. 1 point
    This is essentially the legal side of things in a nutshell. I think whether the fault was there at the point of sale is a moot point here, something like valve stems failing doesn’t happen overnight and could have been failing before, during and after the POS. A judge could easily be convinced the fault was there at the POS. So that leaves you in a position where you sold the car with a fault, whether you did or didn’t, is academic. It can’t be proven. What matters here is whether the consumer put 2000 miles on and then complained of the fault or whether they put say 500 miles on and then complained only to put another 1500 miles on. The difference being in the first instance you could deduct a thousand pounds off for usage, the second you could deduct usage and a bit more for the fact they have potentially made the car worse by continuing to use it. There’s nothing in the CRA to define what you can deduct for usage, just that you can, and your offer to buy it back cannot be trade value. Given what you’ve said, it seems very unlikely that in the time between sale and the complaint, that’s the car would be using oil so much that it became low enough to cause issues. It would need to be an oil leak which although you may argue they should have noticed, it shouldn’t have been leaking oil in the first place. The answer to your question is yes you can make a deduction for the 2,000 miles covered but i’d also be offering them a couple of hundred quid over book price on the basis of them driving the car and possibly causing more damage. If they did drive it on after the complaint.
  5. 1 point
    personally i just see them as the next jangly we had the big i am pickups pre 08 then they died off due to nobody who does mostly jack all day getting finance for them then came the range rovers with silly bits nailed on now comes the day vans pimped up like a whores bedroom im not knocking by the way good on anyone who sees the trend and runs with it and profits but like all latest trends just make sure when it all dies and it will you are not holding overpriced babies just sayin like..............................
  6. 1 point
    You have 2 problems. The broker and the finance company don't understand the CRA and want all responsibility handing back to you. You have signed an agreement or dealer declaration when dealing with advantage. The customer is not going to make a reasonable deduction because they don't have a pot to piss in. The broker or Advantage may allow for a goodwill payment to you if you can defend your position. Being right and knowing your position is one thing if you don't play ball and jump through their hoops they will tell you they won't work with you again so pick how you want to play it.
  7. 1 point
    No point reducing prices..... one sale will cover your 2.... I would rather sell 4 cars with £2k profit each than 8 cars with £1k profit each. Don’t become a busy fool.
  8. 1 point
    walk round your stock, not with your eyes but a customers, lift the bonnet, look inside, glass clean? floor mats presentable ? enough petrol in ? start on the button ? dont reduce, just be better than your competion