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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I have just successfully taken a customer to small claims court over a faulty gearbox on his part ex!!! REJOICE !!! I had NOT test driven the camper but because I had specifically asked him about the condition of the gearbox he had breached the sale of goods act 1979 The legal jargon is IMPLIED TERM which results in a misdescription. This will also work for the old favourites like I’ll drop the full history in or spare key !!I had a witness who heard the conversation and had a report from gearbox expert. Even better if you can get the customer to fill out form saying gearbox good electrics good brakes etc. The facts are if you take the right action quickly they cannot stitch you up with a faulty motor and walk away !!! Start fighting back guys !!! Ring your local trading standards get ccj on line and go from there. Send everything recorded delivery and take expert witness if you can. I didn’t but still won !!! It will cost you about £300 !!! If I can do it anyone can !!! What have you got to lose ???Stop the biggest liars and cheats out there The Consumer !!!! Good luck!!!
  2. 1 point
    Nice result Pal , Bet he had a bad day when you WON made my night that has . Buyers are liars , always have been ," Sumin wrong wi mi car I'll Px it an git rid on it "
  3. 1 point
    Genuinely though, let’s say you have and accident... you sue your own LTD company (the company you work for) and you come to an “out-of-court” settlement.