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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Fecking Dinosaurs... its the modern world folks, GP appointment reminders by text, DPD/courier info via text, bank/CC balance via text, flight/ferry confirmation via text, order a pizza via text, inquire about a car via text, rightly or wrongly good and bad communicate via text whether SMS or social media messaging its quick and simple and can be done from anywhere, work desk, lying in bed, having a shite... If the opening text is 'best price???' it'll be ignored but if it has some intent and genuine interest i'll respond.
  2. 1 point
    I’d not advertise car with parking sensors and also make them aware and put it on invoice when they view/purchase had to do it this week on a 2007 Picasso, the money isn’t there to start fixing them but we wouldn’t try and hide it, it is what it is. May be harder if it’s prestige stuff though
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Friday usually attracts a lot of local non traders with a day off, it being their sabbath etc.. ten of them chasing one audi in hoping it will go for £335 inc fees.. Tuesday is more a traders day; however isnt worth going unless there is something youre interested in (either day).... but they do hold sales most days of the week there now, so many vehicles the place is over run with them... Isnt Brighouse as close to Preston as Belle Vue? = worth a look/better breakfast? PS - Always seems hard work at BCA, but the deals can be found ...
  5. 1 point
    younger generation just dont use the phone, especially 18-23 year old girls. i sold a £6k audi tt over facebook messenger the otherday..... i literally spent 10 mins text, done, bank transfer deposit. viewed the car yesterday, collecting saturday. Get with the times people
  6. 1 point
    So true. Love it. We are that. Some on here more than others.Will the last Dinasour present please turn off the lights behind them. (I'm still not texting back- they can answer the phone ;0) I've always said this job is about prostitution: You've just got to decide how much you are going to prostitute yourself to the punters. For me it's no texting and no calls answered after 7 unless a message left and I like the sound of them. For some of you it's no Sunday opening etc.
  7. 1 point
    LIKE So if we go to an auction and the guide price is £3995 should we be allowed to start the bidding at £3500 or should we just not look at the car.
  8. 1 point
    If you have a car up for £3995 and their budget is £3500, then they shouldn’t be looking at your car.
  9. 1 point
    To be fair I've had a fair few good texters/messages. People have turned up and been some of my easiest sales. Others have called and either never turned up or been the "wife wants it mint/here's my mechanic friend" brigade. If they're idiots they'll waste your time equally whether they call or text.
  10. 1 point
    Lots of promise and I really wanted it to work but no. Gonna have to cancel soon as they won’t reduce it to say a hundred quid a month from 300. Shame. Motonovo are brill. Do quite well from Car Gurus though.