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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I have a technique that avoids a lot of that, I won't give the game away completely but lets just say I rely on the expertise of others. I can't although I obviously do a full strength HPI check and ensure the seller doesn't have the log book shown in the advert. The way I look at private sellers, apart from those that aren't actually private sellers of course, is that if they have the time/patience/fortitude to advertise privately rather than shoving it on to WBAC/a n other then they are probably honest. Not many have the front to put a car up for sale knowing there's a huge bill looming, or that the car drives like a dog/smokes like a chimney. Generally people are reticent about face to face exposure with strangers and are worried they'll get scammed or ripped off somehow. If someone has a car that has known issues or a big bill looming then they will try and palm it off on a trader or WBAC because they feel OK about tucking up a rich car trader or big firm like WBAC. It's not always the case but I've bought 20 cars privately since the turn of the year, sold them all on and not had one screamer, apart from a bloke who moaned about the fuel consumption. Touch wood. I'm trying to get access to the good stock out there before people give up selling privately and just go to WBAC for a quiet life. I struggle to buy at BCA because of the prices, like everyone but I'll have to expand my net father now, as I'm giving it a go full time.
  2. 1 point
    It's not a proper clio unless it's got gaffer tape around the sunroof
  3. 1 point
    Got a 56 clio diesel, 152k, doesn't fail to start and goes forever on a tenner....... Oh and its got a fully working sliding sunroof....... Actually drives really well too. Not ashamed to admit i enjoy running around in it.
  4. 1 point
    Nat West (the wife works for them). Hate. Can’t do enough not to help.
  5. 1 point
    the privates are just as crooked
  6. 1 point
    Exactly and do the privates provide a Full English? I rest my case
  7. 1 point
    I cant remember the last time i bought a car private, how do you check for log book loans there all the craze down here these days.
  8. 1 point
    I am shocked at people who buy from ebay gumtree ect without seeing the cars first and then travel many hours to go and collect i would rather throw all my money on red down the local casino and have the rest of the day off eating ice cream than waste that amount of time on a gamble.
  9. 1 point
    If you worked for the council or better still the BBC and you commented on your observation you could probably find yourself in trouble.Someone would probably get promoted for reporting you.