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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    As far as im concerned once the transaction has taken place the responsibility of taxing the car lies with the new owner. I can't force a buyer to tax a car, I offer use of laptop and for the computer illiterate I do it for them. To be fair I can't recall anyone leaving without taxing. Anyhow the letter was binned.
  2. 1 point
    i think if you were honest you thought it was a letter of intention to fine you for something,i certainly did as i opened mine
  3. 1 point
    Ben, you asked for advice, the fact you didn't like it is your look out, I agree with him, if you can''t spell then you shouldn't write your adverts, it's not fair to pop your head above the pulpit then moan if it's not to your liking, I'd personally buy cheaper cars if you're selling viaa lock up, also offering finance with no actual premises is hardly likely to work, just my two'pennorth
  4. 1 point
    Thank you for your Google Review - we take all customers opinions very seriously as this is our livelihood and the means for us to pay our bills and feed our children however we note you are NOT a customer so we really cant attach that much importance to a blasé and off the cuff remark such as you have left us. If you were ever a customer of ours you would realise that we DEFINATELY are not the cheapest dealer in town and that's something we never desire to be ! We prefer to sell the highest quality of cars to our ever expanding customer base, some of which have bought over 6 cars from us as well as referring their family and friends. Unfortunately in life quality does cost a bit more as you found out yourself from your recent experience at B & Q. Who wants to buy something because its the cheapest ? - Not me I prefer to buy from a reputable supplier where I know if anything goes wrong there will be the support (our cars all come with 6 months warranty) and they wont be out of business because they were the cheapest. Customers buy from us because we offer - over to you now
  5. 1 point
    Or people starting to worry about how they going to afford xmas ? thank god i dont rely only on the income from cars
  6. 1 point
    welcome to the motortrade ! 20 Years in business ..Ups & Downs ! I'm sure everyone will be commenting soon .. !