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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    In his defence he asked for some advice and was shot down by everyone. With a lot of insults thrown at him. If you read through the thread from the beginning you will see he was actually polite until he had nasty remarks thrown at him. The way i see it is if someone asks for advice (no matter how silly) either you can help them or you cant...if you cant then just dont post....simple.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    I try to ignore threads that are obviously started by people with too much time on their hands and bored so my hands are clean Its silly season too from june right through till september too so sit back enjoy the ride because it is a ride................ nurse........................................................................
  4. 1 point
    You sold the car so you are 100% responsible for any comebacks. The fact that you only made a couple of hundred out of the deal is irrelevant.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Haha, I don't open Sundays & my phone is off!! Life is much easier now. As for the Sunday email arseholes I deal with them robustly (this is an offer on a £1500 car);
  7. 1 point
    If you believe the car was right at point of sale you should stand your ground. Admittedly everything's not black & white and any trader knows cars can sometimes bring up faults so if a punter phones up two days later to say his car is suddenly running like a bag of shite, then fair enough. However these chancers phoning after a few months should be firmly brushed off. The CRA can state what it likes & as for people threatening you with the court service, TS, etc. I always tell them to go ahead. Call their bluff, 99 times out of a 100 that's all it is, bluff. On a sideways note I seem to get a couple per year who phone up 11-12 months down the line threatening court etc. because their car has failed the MOT on trivia like drop links or brake pads etc. and then quote some ridiculous figure they'll settle for (£1100 for Forester discs & pads - I suspect I could get a Jumbo Jet freshly shod for that money). My response is "Crack on, and its VOSA you need to speak to, goodbye" Unfortunately 50% of the general public are as thick as pig shit & are horrible, lying, greedy bastards. Sorry if that sounds harsh but I genuinely believe this.
  8. 1 point
    Well said Rory, As long as it does not turn into mums net this forum, that site is one bitch fest, Caleb is a member am sure.
  9. 1 point
    Cheshire has its nice places and its rough parts, I live in the nice part but my business is in winsford which the number 1 shop is Bright house. This is why we set up the sub prime pitch here, ideal market to tap into. We get lots of the above persons living beyond their means. They come in thinking they are getting approved and going home in a Audi A4 S-line but really they leave in a 207 with a complimentary First Response air freshener, always a deal breaker that one.