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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/16 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Might as well tie a bungee rope to the back of the 807...
  2. 2 points
    Ha! Yes I know. I once contacted Tess Daley to see if she would do something similar for me, sadly she was in a meeting at the time.
  3. 1 point
    Dear AutoTrader, I’ll come straight to the point. I have fallen out of love with you. You are no longer the same caring & sharing partner that I married all those years ago when we did things together that benefitted us both. Over the years you have become very selfish and greedy, especially with money. Our relationship no longer feels like a partnership, it is all your way or no way. Now that you have your fancy crib in Manchester with all the latest gadgets and influential city friends it seems that you are spending less and less time with me, even though I have never needed you as much as I need your support now. I have sacrificed others to be with you, giving all my marketing spend and more and what do you do? You ask for more but you give less in return. Will you ever be happy with what you get from me? Life used to be so simple with you. Now it’s so confusing and you seem to have an answer for everything even though it’s not your place to say. You always give your opinion and guess what? I’m fed up with it! The final nail in the coffin for me (and I’m not the only one) is the fact that you are no longer happy trying to help me sell, oh no. You want to have a go at being a trader without the risk! Now, what’s this part exchange tool all about? Oh yes … it’s to benefit all the potential buyers on your website. Well, I have been giving part exchange prices for years when these customers reach my forecourt, so why do you need to give these details away now and risk them never visiting me? Oh, ok, so I decide to opt out of having this as I don’t agree with it and what do you do? … you punish me by not including my cars in the customer’s search. My car’s! The car's that I pay you grandly each month to advertise and you are hiding them away from potential customers. When did you become god? It’s already hard enough getting potential customers in through the door without you giving away information so they can decide to stay and shop online, so thanks too for potentially reducing my footfall....again! If you really wanted to benefit all those potential buyers on your website why not encourage more cars to be advertised? It would be really easy. Instead of having under 500k cars on the website, aim for a million! And here’s the easy way to do it … Half your prices! Easy isn’t it? You have conditioned me over the years to advertise cars a certain way, with certain terms and even certain ways of taking photos and at one point you even told me that I should be rounding the prices up or down so to appear in the search on your website! You quite easily have moved the searches to include these. You even asked me to pay extra to highlight these then and then when you have my money, you go to my neighbour and say you pay ‘X’ amount more and we can highlight your cars before your neighbours!!! Where’s the loyalty there? And while I’m at it, why are you jumping into bed with Zuto Loans? You know that I need the commission from the Finance Deal to try and make the deal pay, especially with reduced margin at the deal because you are advising them of part exchange figures and suggesting that I have priced a car too high! You won’t be doing that for nothing I fear, no. You will be pocketing that lovely wee finance referral without having to even register with the FCA. So now that you are also referring GAP products would you like to go the whole hog and get the ‘DiamondBrite' out? Not content with telling me how to sell cars, you are now suggesting that I don’t know how to buy cars unless I have the all encompassing ‘icontrol. I’ve done very well over the years without the need for such a tool, my decisions are based on years of experience of buying and selling cars in my area, so there’s a good chance that I would know better. And what’s this rubbish about when I’m buying I should be looking at retail price and calculate back instead of the traditional guide price and add the margin on? It’s not that I don’t understand what you mean - in fact I have been doing it for years too but listen here, buying and selling is quite simple. You buy at the cheapest and sell and the most you feel that a customer will pay - then add in the value for money, great customer care, vehicle prep, warranty, overheads and back-up. We have been doing this for years so don’t really need you trying to make out its something new! Oh, and by the way, have you ever thought about this … if you are telling every dealer in the country to buy that ‘white Audi A4 Quattro’ (as it will sell quickest and give you the best profit margin). Guess what ... the demand has just gone up along with the buying price yet the margin is now smaller because every dealer want’s it. Simple isn’t it? So I’m at my wit’s end. I’m paying you more a month than what I’m making in profit. There is something far, far wrong. You need to change your ways very quickly or I’m off and you won’t manage to get me back with some gesture of false loyalty like ‘half price stock’ for a limited period. A relationship is a two way thing. Both partners have to be loyal, caring, honest, trustworthy and unselfish for it to continue. Although I have written this letter I do feel that it will fall on deaf ears, but remember there are many other letters like this one written yet unsent sitting on many a car dealers desk all over the UK. I have years of experience at the coal face of the motor trade and don’t need some graduate who has never sold a car in their life patronising me and telling me how to run my business. All I want from you is for you to treat me with the respect I deserve and help me sell more cars. I’m not an overly demanding partner. Now here’s the twist though. I’m already your ex-lover. I am writing this letter on behalf of the great friends I have in this beloved industry who are feeling this way. They are currently still with you although I fear not for long. With so many offerings on the table it won’t be long before you will be writing a ‘please come back letter, I’m sorry' to my friends. I, along with thousands of car dealers in the UK, are looking forward to your public reply. Kind regards Jim Reid Car Dealer Magazines 'Dealer's Dealer of the Year' in support of and on behalf of the Car Dealers on TCD Forum
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Ticking along nice to be fair, done just over 1 day and got some nice stuff coming in as well as a few in the pipeline on my current stock. No slowdown noted here, at least yet, anyway. took in a couple of sky high mileage part chops but I reckon both will end up selling quickly. 2007 Pug 807 7 Seater 2.0 HDI climate heated seats dvd player 164k mot December 2004 Merc CLK 2.7 Diesel leather two tone leather sat nav and probably loads more, 216k Mot May 2017 owe me £2k combined so will see how we get on with them this weekend the Merc is pretty mint to be fair.
  6. 1 point
    Unlike the other dealers me and you have spoken about, these guys seem to be selling at 'normal' prices. Obviously I've no idea what they are paying for stuff. As far as I can see, sales appear to be coming from FB, local advertising and repeat business/word of mouth. Hats off to them I say.
  7. 1 point
    I dont feed the monster but will happily support where I can
  8. 1 point
    I've been closely monitoring this thread. This site is for friendly advice - and I mean friendly. As I've said in the edit above - play nicely, or play somewhere else. Just putting it out there...
  9. 1 point
    Thanks for giving us a nudge on this one Dave, there are a lot of issues in this thread and therefore we will deal with some headlines and then put together a fuller response in one of our next legal updates. First off, if this is a regular practice of yours Max and you allow sales to consumers (which this person will no doubt now claim to be), then Trading Standards may well become interested and try and argue that you are attempting to get around consumer rights laws. To counteract this you need, as Umesh has highlighted, to hold some sort of evidence that each individual buyer is a trader as Section 2 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 puts the onus on you to prove that your buyer is not a consumer. I don’t know what is on your trade sale invoices but ours have in large bold font – Important – Notice For Trade Sale which underneath says “It is expressly agreed that the purchaser of the vehicle sold on this invoice is a business and is not dealing as a consumer for the purposes of the Consumer Rights Act 2015”. Further down it then states that “Implied terms as to satisfactory quality/fitness for purpose do not apply to this transaction”. And then above the buyer signature it contains the words “I confirm that I have purchased this vehicle as a Trader/Trade business”. If this sort of wording is in your advert, all the better. We had a similar case in court recently and we persuaded the judge that the advert was transparent leading him to remark that “nothing in the advert amounted to misrepresentation” – in other words the dealer had made the terms of the sale very clear meaning a claim for a full refund plus costs was reduced to a small repair (this was not on one of our invoices exempting satisfactory quality and fitness for purpose hence the repair award under Sale of Goods Act 1979 - which still applies to B2B sales unless specifically exempted). In short, if your advert is clear and your sales paperwork is clear then you are putting yourself in the best position to defend a claim against these buyers who want a trade price but not the trade risk. As an aside, you haven’t said if your ad was on ebay classifieds or ebay auction. If auction, then we believe there is room to argue that normal auction rules apply as ‘guv’ Jack Regan has suggested.