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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    James you know that everyone is happy to help but when you see our profession that we love being eroded and then some of those very people turn up here sending PMs begging to know where I source my cars and how much I pay, well I'm sorry but that's just taking the piss in anyone's book, if anything I would say until recently we have all been very patient with these posts and PMs, but we all have our limits.
  2. 2 points
    I thought I'd heard of it before......FarmersgolfFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Preparing for a swing in Farmersgolf.Farmersgolf (Boerengolf in Dutch) is a farm land game modelled after the sport of golf. It originated from a cheese farm run by Peter Weenink in Lievelde, a small village in the Achterhoek region of the Netherlands. It was invented out of frustration with costly golf course fees in the Netherlands, and with a test called the GVB (Golfvaardigheidsbewijs) which most Dutch courses require players to pass before being allowed to play. The first game was played in 1999, and since then games have also been played in Germany, Belgium, Sweden, France and Finland. There are currently about 70 farmers golf locations in the Netherlands, and over 110 Europe-wide. In 2005, over 10,000 people played the game on Weenink's course alone. Farmersgolf is played with a special wooden golf club, with a club head in the shape of a wooden shoe, or clog (in Dutch: klomp). A farmers golf ball is, with its 20 centimeter diameter, much larger than a traditional golf ball. A golf hole is made by placing a bucket in the ground and a flagpole beside it. The 8 to 10 holes have, on average, more than 200 meters distance between them. The defining feature of Farmersgolf is that the game is played on an otherwise unaltered farm. Obstacles and "hazards" include anything one might find on the farm, including live cows, ditches and barbed wire. The Farmersgolf name is trademarked in several countries and Weenink hopes to establish an international association that will raise the game to the level of serious sport.
  3. 1 point
    The mind boggles with these warranty companies. Had a customer who purchased a Skoda Octavia from us roughly 7-8 weeks ago. The dash suddenly stopped working which was causing a problem starting the vehicle. Intermittent problems were happening with the wipers all round on the car and airbag warning lights were coming on and off. Anyway we send the dash out to a company who repaired it and had it back quickly, airbag light cleared and was just due to faulty connection and his front wipers were working fine. Rear wiper motor was clearly faulty and the customer had mentioned a bit of a noise in the front of the car. A wheel bearing was playing up. Dash was not covered under warranty so we meet the cost on that no quibbles. We send the claim in to warrantywise who decide to accept the claim for the rear wiper and the wheel bearing but as the claim has happened at the same time they have averaged the cost of parts and labour. I argued this point that these 2 parts are in no way connected but very much a case of computer says no. Although I should consider myself lucky because most claims we have sent recently have been approved. Yes, that really is pretty much why I have been spending 10k a quarter with you so you do cover the components listed if they do fail on used cars. Try arguing the toss but pretty much getting no where. The main thing is if I had said to customer I can fix your dash at my own cost, I can fix your wiper on warranty and if you come back in a week I can fix your wheel bearing then Warrantywise would approve it. Because the 2 unconnected parts have gone at same time they won't it is in the terms and conditions supposedly. Glad I have switched to having my own warranty fund and having policies administered elsewhere.
  4. 1 point
    Is there any explanation as to why at this time of year the interior of a car can appear to be dry and yet as soon as you pull a seat belt down it looks like stilton ? P.S I'm VAT registered, have my own premises and don't have any other part time career
  5. 1 point
    Maybe Will, maybe. But you'll be pleased to hear that despite being on holiday I have created the FAQ forum. I'll move the relevant posts into that section and we'll go from there. I know this is a passionate profession but we set this forum up with the distinct aim of helping the industry connect. I'm all for heated discussions, but please try and remember there are human beings behind the posts.
  6. 1 point
    Another parasite feeding off the motor trade!
  7. 1 point
    Craigslist? I thought that was a thing in America where if you felt sad you can call a man or lady who would come and make you happy again.
  8. 1 point
    Craigslist is huge here in the UK for selling cars isn't it