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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    You looking at me.....? Here's the thing: You all have to realise that AT do not now exist to make you rich. The game has been changing for a long time. It is no longer about relationships with their customers and helping you to sell more cars; we are now in an era of Total Corporate Greed. Think Ryanair but also with them running the airports, air traffic control and Border Control. This is the AT vision of our industry. Control of the lot. Everything is monetised and chargeable. There is nothing you are going to get for free, for the greater good of you and your business. Nothing. Nada. Nil. Get used to it. It is not in their DNA. Ignore all the flowery promises and insincere flattery. Especially ignore all the marketing BS that is spewed out to try and justify their actions. Do not, however, ignore your own instincts and knowledge. You have probably been selling cars for a lot longer than they have been doing what they do. You have certainly sold more cars than any one of them. You are good people and you know what you are doing and everyone will get what they deserve in the end. I have no patience with them as I can see through the smoke and mirrors, so I will just pay for the bits I need (for now) and source other things elsewhere. As has been said on here and other forums, you pays your money, you takes your choice, but there's no point complaining if you aren't prepared to do anything about it. However, even in their blinged-up ivory towers, they must now realise that the peasants are revolting.
  2. 1 point
    I always remove all the books/book pack and put them all in a cupboard and split the keys too - Every car - every time ! You just never know.What a shocking story ! I'm always very cautious when you get a 'gang ' of men looking and they're all over the place !
  3. 1 point
    I prep all mine for he two main reasons already mentioned......ease of selling, a customer can turn up and drive it away and also because you know exactly what margin you have in the car. Customers are strange though, I had a Mazda that I sold a couple of weeks ago with 11 months and 1 week MOT left and because I advertise all my cars with a new MOT he wanted a fresh MOT putting on it, small price to pay for a sale though I suppose. I hardly ever trade a retail car, I prefer to discount it for a retail sale as I think you'll always get more money back this way and the chance of going again with their PX
  4. 1 point
    This made me laugh more than it should. He's my neighbour/nearest competitor. And from what I can tell, does it about right.
  5. 1 point
    Hi Jon, although I'm not a dealer, if I can be of assistance in anyway, please don't hesitate to contact me. I try and share knowledge, insight and obviously do the monthly dealer survey. Feel free to contact me direct philip.nothard@cap.co.uk