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Ranty Friday 19 June

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Just a quickie this time (ooer, missus!) and apologies if it sounds a bit like a Viz magazine Top Tip.

Mr Lorry Driver - your truck is fitted with a 56mph speed limiter. So is the truck that you are trying to overtake. You are both going flat out and are on a two lane dual carriageway (A419 north of Swindon, for those who care). You can't go any faster. He ain't slowing down for you. The approx 200 cars behind you can go faster than both of you.

Give up and get the *%@k out of the way please.

That is all.

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fair point GG, in an ideal world to solve this problem all you need to do is get a nitro button fitted for overtaking that can only be used once an hour for situations like this then the problems sorted. But then again what's an ideal world another rant for another week maybe?

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As a follow up, I've just seen this: the Samsung Safety Truck

Samsung is hoping to implement a new technology that will save the lives of drivers who get impatient

Camera on front, wirelessly transmitted to screen on back.


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I literally hate this more than anything on the roads. Trucks should be banned from overtaking on dual carriageways at speeds over 40mph. That way they can pass tractors etc, but other HGVs at 1mph difference is stupid. They need to stop being so bleeding selfish. 

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End of the day what are you going to do about the 28 tonne lorry? It aint gonna move for you in your little metal box! 

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