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Ranty Friday 27 Feb

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It has come to my attention (especially after reading back some of my postings) that a lot of things conspire to push me ever nearer to the edge of sanity.

Therefore, I feel that a more controlled, but regular, outburst of vitriol and venom would be more beneficial to me mentally and physically. After all, a popped aneurism isn't a good look and doesn't usually end well...


Thus Ranty Friday is introduced.  With acknowledgements and respect to a friend who blogs for a living and who's idea I have, without shame, nicked.

The concept is for me to vent a bit of spleen on a motoring-related topic that has, quite frankly, got on my tits that week, but one that I also need to get over.


First topic?

This will surprise one or two, but it isn't Auto Trader. I think I have realised that you can't fix stupidity. Thankfully, stupidity tends to fix itself in the end.


No, I've got the hump with 'Special' Drivers.

There is a section of motorway near me that is undergoing massive change to become a 'smart' motorway (no idea what that is - probably don't care anyway).

Whilst this huge civil engineering project is underway, there is a fixed 50mph limit for many, many miles. This week. I was on the aforementioned and set the cruise control at exactly 50mph, sat in the left hand lane and made dull but steady progress.

I was the slowest vehicle on the road.

Everyone else had no problem thundering past me at a variety of speeds.

So, a question goes to all those drivers:

What is it that you have said or done that makes you so 'special' that the rules don't apply to you?

There are speed cameras throughout the route and so, I hope, you will all be getting an appropriate bill through the post and all you really achieved was a bit of temporary glory and an opportunity to get to the next queue a few seconds early. So why can't you just stick at 50 and we can all get where we're going together? You'll save a bit of fuel too.

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I admit to setting the cruise control to 52mph whilst going through average speed camera on the M5. If i'm in an Audi I set it to 53mph because people will think i'm a T#@#£! just because Im in an Audi I so feel the need to prove them correct !!!

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Going the 2 miles to work today the traffic lights in the village were red as i approached,ive considered writing a letter to the  parish council but last time i did they never replied and seeing as stamps now cost 12/6 im not going to bother, Signed

definitely going senile

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