Blenheim Car Sales

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Posts posted by Blenheim Car Sales

  1. Most of us have many considerable years in this business and we would all say we are still learning / adapting........................  you dont sound to me as though you have been through any formal franchise / PLC type of car sales employment......................  if thats the case and this is new to you from the first 2 years you have been struggling then this is why you are struggling, I considered when i went on  my own that i had 20 years of doing this exact same thing for an employer and i was about to do exactly same thing but for my self, Was not so daunting, This business is hard cruel and ever changing, I think its just the case you have not had your apprenticeship done in someone eases business, and you are having to learn it from scratch without the benefit of having "trained" at a dealership

  2. Thanks all, Your all adding valuable information, I do now have a greater understanding of procedure and what to expect and that alone makes it a little less daunting, I will report back how it went, Not getting to optimistic i am sure Judge has me labelled as a rouge already just because of the profession i am in, 

  3. This business is never part time, Its bloody hard graft, Anyone thinking its easy money for little effort will realise very quickly its not 


    this is going to be wrong stock profile and paying to much for them and them having them stick around to long and then it becomes a distress sale



    • Like 1

  4. My plan was to defend myself not because of money saving just because i believe i know the case inside out far better than an advocate who may have 10 other cases that week, I think to a judge it will come across better for me if i am there defending myself< i think i have all my main points sorted and can show  i am not at fault as i would need to


    Will i only know  if Plaintiff is represented on the day of the case ?? Is Plaintiff going to be  alone also no family no friends ??? is that the way it works

  5. Gentlemen, Useful incite, I thought it lasted 2 hours not twenty minutes,

    If Judge does most of the talking then did you  feel he knew everything about the case and gave you the confidence he had a good understanding of  your side and defence ??


    I will have a think about the Lawgistics representative, 

  6. On a previous post i was grateful to members on what format the mediation process takes and it was of great help with your experiences, I am in court Early April................   not going to cover the content of the case its happening so today i was hopeful of gaining incite into what happens at this point

    I am with Lawgistics is is worth having one of there lawyers for that day ???   reason i ask is i am pretty happy with the  case, know what is the  main point of my defence is going to be and i am happy  i can put this over in an easy to understand way

    so if you could educate me to what happens please, I seriously have no idea and its this part of the process that is the worry, I am perfectly happy i have a robust defence i just need to have the inner workings of what they do on this day in court, Format times scale ect anything i should  know from members experiences



  7. 8 hours ago, Grantlfc81 said:

    No it was seen in the forecourt a week ago and the guy rung up today asking if he can come and buy it.

    If only i got paid on people

    saying they are  coming over

    saying they are interested

    saying they are going to buy it

  8. Jan ..................Excellent

    Feb ................. Excellent

    March .............. off a  cliff  really concerned, I have decent stock profile and well priced to market but just simply no inquiries 

    • Like 1

  9. if you have taken a deposit agreed terms signed an order then you have to stand on it, I know it really is bad knowing you have another more profitable offer it seems but i would question why  on a car that is sold your sales process got so far down the line that you got into negotiation on a sold car ???


    its just me but i am principled and i would have to do right thing and honor the original deal

    • Like 1

  10. yes you wont get stuck with anything  at those margins...............................  moving  from dipping your to into it to making a  real living from it you really need to be  taking  £1000  net from them sales or else you will not be able to sustain a business, I would state thats the aim £1000  i am not saying i do that on every occasion,


    You and i have similar backgrounds and all i can say is that you really think you know the business and the industry and you think you know what your doing and you very probably make your dealership a decent profit but when its your business and its your cash funds you have a whole  heap of learning and new experiences still to go, Its  a whole new world when you are literally on your own, Not saying you cant or shouldn't do it just that it will be a real jolt to your system as to how much you really dont know, I am into year 6 on my own now and its still a growing process learning every day and week

    • Like 1

  11. 10 hours ago, Leo said:



    Is it more about how to sell the cars and how to find them, or is it about the legal bits, like how to get solo trader acc and trader insurance?

    Ask Lucas he is on here he was like you a new starter i hear he is absolutely flying and making sales  for fun

  12. i sold 2 cars from the Free package last month, I was very surprised but the deals were very welcome, You do have to put up with a considerable amount of spoof or just low quality inquiries to reach the few genuine ones

  13. I have experience with these inlet manifolds its basically over rotation of the flaps them selves, Its a poor design and it will be a problem as its plastic on plastic its a  constantly moving part and it just wears, The kits mean that the swirl flap rotation arm is now going to have a "hard" stop against a aluminium billet, There are load on Ebay you just need to be sure you are ordering the correct one, You may need the part number of the manifold on there to make sure your purchase is the exact one for your car, I done 2 of these now £15 rather than £500 

    Loads of Vids too on Youtube

  14. no you dont have to give a warranty at all, However you do have to comply fully with the Consumer Wrights act 2015 and as such you are liable for certain repairs for any car you sell, 


    so warranty or no warranty is your choice you are likely to get both points of view on here but ultimately its your choice, I personally do give 6m warranty and find it works for me