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Everything posted by MrV

  1. Or even advertise that the car is "protected" under the CRA2015, keep your claims fund going in the meanwhile?
  2. Possibly an absolutely ridiculous question and I'm already regretting writhing this but....the CRA2015 is effectively a warranty in itself right? is it or would it be illegal to advertise the car as having a 6 month warranty and then advise the buyer that the warranty is the CRA2015? If you wish to "self-administer" that is
  3. "Is it everyone else that's wrong? Or are you missing the continued good and FREE advice several of us wish we had when starting out" Of course not everyone else is wrong, without the advice I've been given I would end up being just another failed newbie I know that, It's like you all think you've given me the advice and I'm not listening, don't assume I'm not just by what I put on here, I spend all day searching for cars, auction and private and if one fits the bill I'm on it. I was only given the advice a few days ago give me chance to put it into action
  4. you're in a different stratosphere than me Nick, I'm never going to be even close to most of you so why the animosity from other members? "I personally disliked the amount of time, effort and overthinking you invested in this last potential transaction without getting any return whatsoever"...I'm new to the profession, I'm learning, as you say I need to repeat it a few hundred times to get an idea so why is it such a problem I created a thread asking for an idea of retail on a car I hadn't yet decided to buy? isn't that the point of the forum? you guys don't get to decide who posts what and IMO if if fucks people off that much simply don't make a comment on it "You got a lot of useful info here, now put in the work, take some risk, try to make some real deals and you'll know if it's for you..." That's what I plan on doing and believe me I'am very grateful for the advice Well he has been extremely helpful and supportive with me, I can only say good things about his services, if you disagree that's your opinion let's not involve other people in this thread please
  5. Oh yes of course from the content I've created on this forum there's already enough evidence that there's no chance I'll ever make a car dealer....absolute bollocks. You're basing that assumption on the fact I asked how much an Astra would retail for but didn't decide to buy it and the fact that instead of starting this project as a complete newbie I instead entrusted the help of well known industry stalwart, namely Chris from Flipping Cars, did loads of research and set everything up correctly to source my first 2 cars to ensure I didn't cock it up right from the start. Both cars sold for a healthy margin and I'm now on number three, which if it sells at my asking price will also make a healthy margin, no comebacks (yet) no complaints, everything done professionally and by the book....I very rarely use bad language on forums but in this case I personally think I could be excused this time. I get the fact you hate clueless newbies trying to become dealers and creating more competition for trade cars and also clueless newbies joining a public forum to ask questions which they are free to do, if you feel that annoyed by it why the **** are you here?
  6. It is a load of balls really, I'd like to know what are the biggest sellers per region not nationwide. anyway I'm even boring myself with this now, I'll try and create some more newbie hasn't got a clue shenanigans for you soon Get a chair instead!
  7. Like I say Andy I just find this stuff interesting that's all, astra coupe?
  8. I've spent 3 1/2 hours Searching for stock this morning so far, this is just something I thought was interesting but believe me I'll not be thinking these stats are applicable to me just interesting to see the bigger picture
  9. forgot this one my radius has certainly expanded and as you say Mr Chief I'll be looking at Lpool, preston, manchester, leeds etc etc so quite a bit of choice to be honest
  10. that's why I find stats like these useful Matt, although I imagine most traders call bullshit, it's a good indicator of the whole market trend in general and considering newbies haven't yet built up a good knowledge of their local market I can't see any harm
  11. probably the best way Mark, until I've sold enough to know my area I find stats like this useful;
  12. Does anyone pay attention to market sales trends per quarter in detail? I'm a bit of an analytics nerd (from my web design interest etc) and although I sound like a "stay at home and masturbate to springwatch" freak I love a good spreadsheet. I've found a great site which goes into a bit of detail about sales trends including amounts sold in each region in the UK and I wondered, does anyone else use these kind of stats to source what's popular at the time?
  13. @Ccstew if you need any help just give me a shout I'd be happy to help, for free of course
  14. Get one up and running on the cheap, use a website builder like Weebly for now, you don't need anything special yet. Look at mine it was FREE to make, of course it's nowhere near the click dealer sites but it still servew the same function and provides the same information right?
  15. Marks absolutely right on that, if you're advertising elsewhere the only function a site will serve is to add credibility and advertise your services such as prep/valeting/warranty etc which an advert would do anyway
  16. if its a startup then my advice is to save your money, although its nothing special I designed my website myself in a few hours using wordpress, all I had to do was pay for the hosting which iirc is about £5 per month and then buy the domain name which was £3 for a year, job done
  17. Just a thought, has anyone ever used "vinyl spray" or "peel off paint" such as plastidip? It's quite cheap, no prep requiredo other than cleaning required and absolutely piss easy to apply. You can get it in gloss too, might be an option if you can't be arsed with the prep. You can also use it to paint scuffed bits such as mirror caps etc
  18. Whilst testing assured cars you would not believe the crap we found and the state of some cars, especially money barn and WBAC. BCA Wolverhampton even introduced a Hazardous section for such cars where specially trained valeters were the only ones allowed to enter, we couldn't even test them until they'd been "de-hazardized" !!
  19. Looking at the pic more it's a 5 door hatchback so I'd go with Tim A3
  20. Is there a "how to part ex for newbie dummies" manual around anywhere....
  21. why not bother with small/first timer cars @BHM?