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Posts posted by Mark101

  1. 1 minute ago, D&M said:

    Yes your right! But it'd be the Driver at the wheel who will get the 6 Points and the fine. I'm sure the owner will just get a fine. Unless the owner tells the police he didnt give permission and the driver would get done for TWOC (although it'd be funny to try and tell that to a copper with a straight face when you're sat in the passenger seat :lol:)

    You could exercise your right to silence, that way they can only do the driver.....just saying.

    Not sure how that works if you are sat in the car though.

  2. 2 hours ago, Rory RSC said:


    Your 'low mileage' based on 10/12k a year ain't that low compared to all the 5 year old ones with 7k on the clock some old biddy has been using.   

    I always do terrible with really low mileage cars, always find they look expensive. Used to be a good market a while back but I suspect now making cars look good value at a price point is the way to go. Got to keep changing.

    I agree unless the mileage is stupidly standout low, like 3,000 miles on a 5 year old car (I sold one like that) but if it is 20k instead of 40k, I completely agree.


    1 hour ago, Casper said:

    Then there is the argument that the 40k miles car is no worst if not better than the 10k one that's been toddled around by the old biddy going to to the shops when my elderly father who doesn't drive now had a car and was doing 2.5 k miles a year it done the car more harm than it did good sitting about .. 

    Again, I agree but we are selling cars and customers just see mileage. Give me a 100k motorway vs. a 50k town car (to own) any day but not to sell.

  3. 11 hours ago, Rory RSC said:

    sold something off it this weekend.

    Was it your old PlayStation 3 :lol:

    11 hours ago, Rory RSC said:

    sold something off it this weekend.

    Was it your old PlayStation 3 :lol:

    11 hours ago, Rory RSC said:

    sold something off it this weekend.

    Was it your old PlayStation 3 :lol:

    11 hours ago, Rory RSC said:

    sold something off it this weekend

    Wow, sorry about that

  4. 6 hours ago, NOACROSS said:

    Stupid Sunday old person question: do you have to load individually on Market Place or is there a way of feeding it from wherever?

    We have a FB page that performs OK/is growing and we have regular car postings on the page via Click Dealer. 

    Mine are all loaded directly from Car Dealer 5 with no intevention by me - cost is £25 per month.

    Ring Facebook and ask them to set it up for you.

  5. I ONLY allow transported. I do not trust drivers not to thrash a car to within an inch of their lives. How do I know?

    I was a valeter at Pendragon Nissan/Isuzu and Subaru when I was 18-20 and admit that none of us respected someone's new car (brand new). Now I have grown up, I hate my former self for treating people's things in a manner that showed no respect.

    This was 1993 and the Subaru Legacy was my favourite car, the DP used to let me take it when I was sent to tax cars/bank runs etc. That same year, the Impreza came out too.

    Off topic: Funny how 200hp was such a benchmark figure back then.

    • Like 1

  6. Personally, this screams as a private sale end of story but......

    Just to play Devil's Advocate (again); Could you been seen in court as a motor trader?

    What do I mean?

    You took that car as payment for a building job, or in lieu of cash payment and had no intention of keeping the car and therefore (in a round about way, like us taking a PX) were looking to profit from the proceeds of the sale, maybe (arguably) make more than the building work was worth? You could be seen to be trading a car.... Same as if I took a piece of land in PX against a car I suppose (I have taken some strange things in chop before).

    Anyway, you have had a taste of what us Dealers go through on a daily/weekly/monthly basis and I would appreciate you telling all your friends in the pub who say dealers make a fortune and are all dodgy some home truths and that we work bloody hard to do the right thing by people whilst keeping a roof over our heads (that we will pay a builder to repair :lol:;)

    Good luck.

    • Like 1

  7. I often wonder, take CD5 for example who do an excellent job, why someone doesn't just replicate what they do. I am no IT boff but how hard can it be? 

    Go to my website and you have similar search filters to AT albeit on a much smaller scale. Spend some money pushing that to the public and you're away. What is it they do (other than the brand) that no-one else seems able to replicate.

    I know I am probably being niave but surely it is just a much larger version of any one of our websites. Drive enough traffic to it and cars will sell. Could you imagine how much you could earn if for example you charged £10 per slot per month on a minimum 20 car package and how happy dealers would be to send you their £££'s.

    I still cannot believe how they get away with it but with people supporting them (myself included), we only have pourselves to blame.

    • Like 2

  8. Someone has bought a car they cannot really afford so they have had to buy a whacker. They have taken delivery of the car and the reality of owning one doesn't live up to the pedestal that the car has been placed on in his dreams - the thrill has now gone.

    Never meet your heroes springs to mind.

    What Beemer was it (I am guessing M4 Coupe)

  9. 30 minutes ago, NOACROSS said:

    I know. Poor sod. You’d have hoped to be able to buy a six grand car at that time of life. 
    Maybe he can but doesn’t want to shell out the lump sum?

    Will try to be (diplomatically) nosey 

    Mine was on a £4K V50 which 7 months in he tried to back because it required an air con compressor. Never contacted me, went straight to CB whom backed me. 

    Apparently, the fault had been there since day 1 but he didn’t notice (even through the heatwave summer) and never made any contact, despite me having done one warranty repair after 1 month without quibble (genuine fault with DPF) - strange.