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Posts posted by NOACROSS

  1. My turn to ask a stupid question (happy to pay though) need a radio code for a Micra N-Tec Nav/radio unit.  Have serial and device number.  Nissan haven't got it - or won't help.  They want me to book the car in and take it to them- so that's effort as not nearby.

    Any ideas? 

  2. We have a soft search button on the website (via iVendi) and auto propose etc.. so I rarely actually have to physically prop a punter myself.

    Even when they are in front of me in the office, they do it themselves.

    Quite often the first I know of their interest in the car is when I get an acceptance or decline email.  

    If a decline it’s two secs to fire off to another lender.  

    Not that we’re getting much finance business still though recently - as per an earlier thread. Maybe one or two a month, but I don’t have many late cars...

  3. 14 minutes ago, EPV said:

    That's slightly inaccurate. You didn't get a load of shit for being a newbie, nobody gets that. You got a load of shit because you displayed obvious signs of being lobotomised.

    I think it's only now, when you look back, having come quite a way in the last few months, that you realise how brainless you appeared. You have however, always had a spine.

    If I had a like button.....

  4. I agree about inside photos and yours are a bit dark. I much prefer them taken outside. 

    Why is the black Fiesta bonnet up in the first pic?

    I would take more pics of each car-how many pictures can you have? 20?

    Also, I always like to see the operation, rather than generic cover pictures & it makes it more personal and less faceless- so consider a picture of your gaff/your team etc maybe. Rather than that blue Ford and red Vauxhall.

    I would push the workshop more too.

    A really good effort though! I love you’re attitude and keenness. Well done.


    • Like 1


    2 minutes ago, RJEauto said:

    Thanks both.

    I knew buying would be the hardest part just wasn't expecting it to be this hard. I can't understand how some people can afford to pay the prices they are paying. 

    They’re either working for peanuts, have a massive ‘extended family’ if you know what I mean, are not paying VAT or are desperate to buy/have stocking plans that they don’t know how to manage properly and will pop eventually. 

    “Many are called, few are chosen Terry”

    • Like 3

  6. Welcome to the motor trade I’m afraid! Selling is (often) the easy part. You make your profit buying. 

    You can try BCA, Manheim etc obviously but it’s no easier on there I can assure you. 

  7. We've had a couple of 'light surface corrosion' advisories all of a sudden.  And one going on about the car being you can't win.

    You're right- the word 'corrosion' (even light) is the end of the world to a punter.  

    Having said that, I sold a 59 plate very low mileage one owner V70 a few months ago - it came from Manheim Newcastle- and it had one advise for surface corrosion (10k car so I was sure the punter would bail), but he was fine about it. He said 'scottish car'. You can be sure that the cheaper end of the market punter doesn't have the same attitude!

  8. 11 hours ago, Nick M.K. said:

    Are you tempted? You should be if cheap. 

    Automatic - Electric - 0.0L - 03/2017 - Blue -  - 5 Door HATCHBACK
    12,374 Miles
    IN LANE DATE23 November 2018
    Automatic - Elect - 0.0L - 01/2016 - GREY -  - 5 Door HATCHBACK
    18,914 Miles(Warranted)
    IN LANE DATE21 November 2018
    AUCTION CENTREWashington
    BMW I3 125KW 33KWH 5DR AUTO
    Automatic - Elect - 0.0L - 12/2016 - WHITE - N - 5 Door HATCHBACK
    17,510 Miles(Warranted)
    IN LANE DATE21 November 2018
    AUCTION CENTREWashington

    What do you reckon Nick?  A couple are from a similar place as WBAC!

    I saw (rather than heard) one go past me the other night whilst walking the dog.  I reminded me of that black Isuzu? from the Cannoball Run (I think) film as it whistled past.

  9. For anyone who hasn’t read the Big Mike Column in the magazine- I highly recommend it. You can see the previous ones online. Most amusing (and often nostalgic to the days we long-in-the-tooth traders remember) and the main reason I subscribe to it. 

    T.V.  I wonder whether your question my well end up featuring in one of his future issues.. I predict the answer will be something like: ‘bloody modern cars are no better than a Christmas cracker toy made in Taiwan, and just as likely to self-destruct as actually be useful. That and the fact you can make more profit out of an old car and don’t have to push GAP, finance, Supaguard, service plan’s etc.

    Mind you- he had to sell Morris Itals etc new I think, so he knows what he’s on about. 

    I always thought he was BHM (Big Hairy Mike) as he’s in the same neck-of-the-woods  ;o)

    Anyway, welcome Big Mike. A la Wayne’s World: we are not worthy!


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  10. So - I finally get in the 'funny handshake room' and Nick is (as usual) correct. Edit and Like now gone. However I only use a Mac or iPhone/ipad, so will have to check the PC next time I'm near one. Although it's the same with Chrome and Safari on the Apple stuff.

    Admin are aware but don't know why this (selectively?) happens and they have asked I.T.

    Will have to take more time reading before posting in the meantime- but I still refuse to use those little round 'yellow men' that look all the same, or the non-word LOL, or use a personal Bookface page, Twitface etc. just to stay 'in the past' and curmudgeonly obviously.

  11. Nope. I’ve said it on here a few times: for me, the only good car is a sold car.

    I’ve tried snapping out of it and trying different cars as they’ve come into stock, but  I don’t see any modern stuff that I like. Just an almost inevitable conclusion of doing the game long term for me. Plus I think about putting the dogs in etc and I only really drive for or to work so is a waste for me.  That and anything German and/or flash will poop itself regularly and the thought of taking the junk to the main dealer makes me shiver as would be a right work up  

    (I like and appreciate more a car’s condition and can get mildly excited by a lovely stack of invoices and a full book of main dealer stamps all stamped nice and straight (not smudged)from the same dealer.....god I’m boring myself now...)

    Buying right or getting a PX in and doubling up is much more exciting -on the rare occasions it happens.

    However, I did see an XC40 on the road the other day and thought it looked different. Do I like that? Hmmmmm... or keep the money... 

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  12. Even with the best Trade Sale/SOR invoice, you will often not get away with it- especially if this is a sales policy. 

    As we all know (but not yet the OP) this sort of low-price customer base is going to scream and boomerang and slate you -no matter how much you point out to them the agreed terms, and take up inordinate amount of your time for a small or I predict, no real reward or profit  

    The cheaper the car, the more demanding the punter will be as it’s often ‘All Their Money’. Just the thought of the ‘best price mate’, texters, midnight on a Saturday emailers is enough to make me wince. It’s bad enough just selling the odd decently prepared PX!

    Also, this business model of the OP’s is going to be a monumental headache, and the phrase ‘busy fool’ comes to mind. Just finding the junk, MOT’s, doing safety prep at least- not to mention dealing with the (I fear) deluded forecasted number of sales (let alone enquires) would be very time-consuming. 

    Where are you going to advertise all these gems by the way? Autoraper?

    You’ll be much better off taking heed and starting smaller with better quality cars or quality control/prep and welding on a workable margin. 

    Honestly the best of luck though  keep us posted!


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