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Posts posted by NOACROSS

  1. 15 hours ago, NOACROSS said:

    Another one today (Small Auto but I lived with her for two hours). 

    Yes, for sure people are waiting . Glad I don’t have that Autoraper monster to feed!

    Have a pumter dithering over a 30k Tiguan for the last few days (always the German crap) as he’s suspicious of the fact it’s a 60 plate. And the mileage 8cant be right’.  He’s determined to scupper it as a clocker. He also can’t get his head around why it’s a worse deal for him ‘for cash’ rather than finance. 

    (30,000 miles. Not 30 grand). Where’s my edit button!

    Joy- I've drawn the short straw and am working today.  The above has already rang up to say he's coming this afternoon with his 'expert' and family. VW people.  Don't you just love them.

    And his part exchange?  A Golf.  Diesel.  Ugh!

  2. Another one today (Small Auto but I lived with her for two hours). 

    Yes, for sure people are waiting . Glad I don’t have that Autoraper monster to feed!

    Have a pumter dithering over a 30k Tiguan for the last few days (always the German crap) as he’s suspicious of the fact it’s a 60 plate. And the mileage 8cant be right’.  He’s determined to scupper it as a clocker. He also can’t get his head around why it’s a worse deal for him ‘for cash’ rather than finance. 

    (30,000 miles. Not 30 grand). Where’s my edit button!

  3. We still get asked a fair bit.   Mainly because of our ‘ahem’ mature local population. 

    I always say that ‘we don’t get asked that much nowadays. Everyone gets bored too easily and changes their cars every five minutes. Plus the first owner is often the main dealer.’ Seems to work OK mostly. 

    I personally get a bit odd about buying stuff with three or more previous owners. Three in total is OK. Just how I was schooled. Shouldn’t matter. 

  4. I think EPV? put it over the best a while back: whether buying at auction or not, the talent is picking out the 'underpriced/undervalued stuff that others may miss or not understand or realise is priced wrong -as you know what it'll likely fetch retail (from experience). The guide is just that. A guide.

    Whether that's buying something with a problem that you know isn't, or a seemingly undesirable thing you know has a following, or even something you just 'like' yourself and know you can resurrect. Taking a chance on a car with no history, or one that's on the list.  An old girl but great spec. Something that's been boyed up that you can put back to standard and so on.

    It's a lottery as to how many you'll win v lose- and as TV said yesterday: the stock speaks to you in the end and you evolve to stock what works for you and the site (if you have one).

    I don't bid at auctions anymore, but did for many years.  It's a despicable sham that wouldn't be allowed in another walk of life as half the 'bids' aren't genuine.

    If I do bid at auction, it's online and I set my max price before and leave it.  Surprisingly I do win the odd couple a month and often below my highest bid- as I guess this is more regulated in that if you always win at your highest bid, then a rat will indeed be smelled.

    An auction is an invaluable place to hang out and watch and learn though.  I spent half my childhood in them.

    • Like 2

  5. Yup.  Surprised to see so many diesel cars and, there's only a couple I want to stock in the list.

    I often wonder about these lists and 'desirability'. It must depend on how many of that type of car are available.  For example, there's a load more Golf/VW crap product about than other lower volume or speccy stuff I like.

    Also, just because some spotty teenager has drooled over a Corsa or an A3 it doesn't mean they're a buyer right now. Availability must have an affect on desirability. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Nick M.K. said:

    I am in the same position so often have a queue of 5-6 cars to be advertised. I think I need a driver / runner / valeter but working from home it is not ideal. Have to be someone very part time in my case. An active retired person who drives like Miss Daisy should be ideal. Except the valeting of course :-) 

    Lucas has just passed his test! ;o)

    • Like 2

  7. 1 minute ago, grant8064 said:

    Can't be as insane as the one we have. Six months and 10k into ownership and he'll see us in court because his tyres and brakes have worn...couldn't make it up!

    That is Premier League nuts!

    Ours is a 15 year old PX to clear Discovery, 149k at time of sale, new no-advisory MOT and two independent garage PDi's/reports that all OK, plus a year later, their own MOT station has past it, with only one advisory for a twisted brake hose (plus rear seats removed weirdly).  They say car is not fit for purpose as a main dealer has noted signs of wear and tear.


  8. 56 minutes ago, EPV said:

    I believe both AD and Rory have been to court and successfully defended themselves. I didn’t ask the details, I wasn’t overly bothered about knowing them but they did tell me they have had their day in court and won. Also I think Boring Dave may also have defended himself successfully. 

    Over the years a have won one, lost one and drawn one (I only had to pay a token £100).  It's really not pleasant though, and a waste of a morning or afternoon, and no matter how cool and experienced/armed you are, it's still a worry and stress leading up to it.

    Unfortunately its unavoidable in the long run.  No matter how well you do the job.

    I have one in the pipeline that'll no doubt get that far as the punter is insane.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Nick M.K. said:

    You have my email, send it over and I will post it here with a Flickr link

    Since they accepted me to the private chat room I lost the upload button too :-)

    Ah.  Brill. Cheers. Relieved it’s not just me being ‘that’ technically inept!

  10. Ha. Still can’t insert a picture for the life of me on iPad. Any clever people out there can tell me how to? Picture needs resizing I guess  

    I have another wheel colour decision to ask the congregation. Although it’s a pale blue met Scooby so I guess the answer will be grey wheels?