have a word with the wife

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Everything posted by have a word with the wife

  1. the whole idea of small claims is for it to be simple, but it isnt,
  2. am i right in the reading of this thread because its gone a bit off track that claimant is [a] still driving car ? with fault? another garage has worked on it ?[c] seller not given opportunity to examine car ? if so.................
  3. I went through a stage where i used a window pen, quite good, but, in this country it rains, its too easy to knock the wiper switch when your moving car, and you have to remove it for a test drive, then put it back on when they "got to see the wife"
  4. hope all goes well anyway, but always best to be one step in front
  5. They more than likely did 7 days ago, the "agent" who represents for the landlord, NOT READ THE THREAD ? Restrained goods [if they are] and the removing of them is very much a crime . andy, if you dont resolve this on tuesday, you must go to court and get a injunction on the selling of your property but ideally get legal advice sameday.
  6. no unfortunately its not, its landlords if hes done the job right and used a enforcement agent, its landlords property that he is entitled to sell to cover the cost of rent, if you interfere with the goods and assuming these goods are being withheld for the purpose of sale to offset rent debt then its a year in prison or £2/25000 fineunless you can proove you did it lawfully, see my previous post on how to do it lawfully that sounds like a certified enforcement agent [bailiff] find out if hes taken control of goods under commercial rent arrears recovery law
  7. commercial property law is very complex, number one do not try to recover your goods by force, this will result in police / theft charge, reading your post it seems the landlord has instructed a agent , this will be a court approved bailiff it sounds like ? he has taken control of your goods, its called commercial rent areas recovery, you need to prove these are your goods before they are sold by the agent to offset landlords costs, you need to act quick, and in writing, registered letters, i assume no one "lived" at the property and there should be a notice on the door .
  8. i have had similar, jobsworth wouldn't cut me a standard key with no chip, just to open doors, old nissan it was, "cant do it mate" what do you mean cant do it, thats the key on the rack behind you, heres my key, just cut it ? "no mate can only do chipped ones" called him a idiot and walked out, told many a customer this and hopefully theyve lost hundreds of pounds, because if a customer asks me where they can get a spare key cut i tell them definitely not simpsons ! your warranty will be cancelled and all your wheels will fall off if you use them by the way, why not upsell? lost key insurance, read the small print though, some only cover the key NOT the immobiliser , but keep it secret
  9. jo public can find out off me quite plainly no its fixed, just today i was asked "cheaper" i drew his attention to the new discs and pads i had just told him about that were fitted and reminded him of my service, hes collecting it tommorow at full asking, if he had pushed i would have just told him sorry, we are not doing business today, the majority on here i am sure you will find do not discount. To make this sort of question "secret" on the other side would be crazy, and if basic questions like this did go "secret" then this section of the forum would be very quiet, and, i, would without doubt, be out .
  10. i remember it well , you forgot to give me my green shield stamps
  11. why ? and "basically" i tell the customer discount no problem if you pay this months rent
  12. feck all you assume he will take you to court ? why ? has he said this ? who is this mechanic thats looked at it ? remember the astra you posted about where the head gasket had allegedly gone ? and you heard no more ?
  13. 100% service, and they appreciate it, sets us apart from the not interested i sell cars brigade
  14. quick tip= any car you've actually got a "for sale" in, make sure its ready to go, not will take for mot once i got a deposit, or that bald tyre will be done when you collect it , any car offered for sale it is assumed that it is ready to go. remove any for sale notices on vehicles not ready, also if youve got any trade sale only cars, remove all advertising too, its easier
  15. thanks for update, dont think any of us knew dvla= Due to essential systems maintenance, most of our services (including our contact centre) will be unavailable from 3pm on Friday 17 August until 6am on Monday 20 August (8am for our contact centre). This means you will not be able to tax your vehicle online, by phone or at the Post Office. Vehicle tax is for the whole month, so if your tax will expire at the end of this month you’ll still have time to tax your car when the service is back to normal on Monday morning. Not all services are affected and you’ll still be able to view and share your driving licence details with third parties including car hire companies. To avoid any disappointment it’s best to generate a check code now as the codes are valid for 21 days. You can also renew your ten year photocard driving licence at the Post Office. Remember, it’s against the law to drive an untaxed vehicle on the road. If you buy a car during this weekend you won’t be able to tax it until 6am on Monday 20 August.
  16. keep it, dont tell the punter,and as i say, any possible future claim you can prove its sold with a good engine
  17. the reason you KEEP the receipt of the engine and not destroy it is in case of any future claims ie, small claims,
  18. bad shit could of sold it too, so maybe, just maybe it best happened here rather than in a customers garage
  19. mats and flaps be lucky to get a air freshener off me i usually swap it to another car 1 hour before collection
  20. lets hope all goes well, a FULL refund is rather strange i think, and i would be telling said customer to collect cash not promises [ cheques]
  21. make no mention, when they've gone and your counting the folding ensure the receipt for the engine is in with the paperwork for the car [receipt] just in case of any future comeback. kiss= keep it simple don't confuse the customer