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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/23 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Unfortunately it appears to me that the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter whether it was from BCA or any other auction , I think a judge might say that as a professional car dealer having PDI’d the car ,you have forfeited your chance of making any further claim regarding a misleading Assured Report by retailing the vehicle with known faults to an innocent member of the public. As a newbie,you will need to factor in that with on line buying you should find that you get far more bonuses than penalties so just ‘ take your medicine’ and move on.I might add,if this is your first year operating on your own,even if you have been in the trade as a salesman for years,be prepared as you might be faced with set backs you never even thought of. So good luck and ‘welcome to the jungle ‘ and don’t be put off.
  2. 1 point
    Bunch of pirates IMHO. If it will start and drag itself a few yards then it passes 'BCA Assured'. The question is, do you need them more than they need you? Try to take any kind of formal action against them and your account WILL be terminated. I look at prices being paid, at fees and delivery, at repair/reconditioning costs and marketing costs and I really wonder at how the small time trader is making any money.
  3. 1 point
    Standard BCA "customer care" you only have two options unfortunately a, suck it up and keep running the gauntlet or b, stop buying off of the slippery scumbags. I think the only dealers who have any leverage are the big boys buying lots of units per month and even then I'm sure they have to jump through hoops!
  4. 1 point
    Big news last week,having blown several hundred million borrowed from pension funds,the penny must have dropped for these amateurs running Cazoo ,I see they have appointed a professional car dealer to salvage the business.