Hmm. Someone doing their best in the circumstances wouldn’t have spent the 1st few months of the pandemic not bothering to turn up to cobra meetings and not knowing about the impending disaster we were about to get shafted by, he was taking weekend breaks and didn’t want to be bothered by details and warnings.
During the middle he took the option of the economy over the scientific advice and helped give us a second wave as bad as the 1st.
Even now at the tail end when he said he is doing all he can he spent a day personally ringing newspaper editors to try and brief them against Cummings to cover his own dodgy flat dealings and shouting ‘let the bodies plié up’
Everyone is saying how bad the Indian situation is now, they have 17 deaths per 100k of population, we have 191.
I will give credit that the vaccine roll out has been a success, but guess what you give it to NHS to roll it out and don’t hand it to someone like Serco you get a better result.
The only people Boris has given a flying f about are himself and his donors through all of this.