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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Thanks, she has just rang me back. Her bank have ok'd a loan for her now. I think she was just reluctant to ask them as she is self employed. But she is happy now, another one gone!
  2. 1 point
    well I'm sorry but the thought of getting in a van with cupboards in that had an unknown occupant in last week and had a few shits in the bog is bottom of my to do lists no matter how much pledge you used we've also got a big recession sweeping our way/ Brexit /and of course have 2 pints in Scotland and your over the drink drive level,this is why I dont go up there anymore sounds a plan go for it remember though no matter what you might read in the daily smell the suits will want their money back eventually come what may as vicky used to say
  3. 1 point
    Yeah I took it, it's likely the cheapest loan funding you'll ever get ................ So I'm guessing that'll be 2 more fuckin' camper vans lumbering around the NW Highlands, putting fuck all into the local economy and crashing into folks parked cars, stone walls, and other property then just fucking off, after shitting at the side of the road and leaving all their rubbish in our laybys, verges and on our beaches ...................... If only I had a rocket launcher on the front of my Cars .................................... So, Mr C, being more serious to your business idea, if I were you, having seen the carnage these hired Camper Van twunts create when driving hired Campers I think, (honestly), that you will cost yourself a small fortune in repairs, your insurance no claim bonus will be non existent etc etc etc ..................... Just come and visit me on a Saturday afternoon, I'll take you out for a tour and you can see how the twats drive em around our roads, not just A roads, often up single track dirt roads scraping all the sides, Mirrors ripped off etc etc I would guess that the only folks making any money from this are the ones who sell new Campers and the Parts to repair them on a weekly basis
  4. 1 point
    I think half of it, and the 10K small business grants, has already been spent on overpriced stock from Dealer Auction and much of it pissed up the wall on shabby 'prestige" cars, various blinged-up vans and quad bikes. From what I gather the 10Ks were handed out like Smarties to anyone renting any unit on some deadbeat industrial estate irrespective of any genuine business activity - all of these private men (that's what they really are) have spunked away the money already.
  5. 1 point
    Tom on form today on twitter, "if your not in the leisure industry and not back at work today your'e a lazy b..stad", must be wonderful being on his pay roll....