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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    vote for me I will by 2021 ensure that every car dealer gets a free windyman I will double the staff at dvla ensuring the phone is answered in 1 minute I will disband the small claims, it is just a burden on our businesses I will introduce carxit, for every car "exiting" your business [sold] you will receive tax free £1000 bonus, carxit. I will bring autotrader into government ownership, guaranteeing no one pays more than £3 per advert. what else would you like ?
  2. 1 point
    Lots of used Prius coming through - I do wonder what the margin is after competing with worldwide buyers + shipping etc
  3. 1 point
    I often wonder, take CD5 for example who do an excellent job, why someone doesn't just replicate what they do. I am no IT boff but how hard can it be? Go to my website and you have similar search filters to AT albeit on a much smaller scale. Spend some money pushing that to the public and you're away. What is it they do (other than the brand) that no-one else seems able to replicate. I know I am probably being niave but surely it is just a much larger version of any one of our websites. Drive enough traffic to it and cars will sell. Could you imagine how much you could earn if for example you charged £10 per slot per month on a minimum 20 car package and how happy dealers would be to send you their £££'s. I still cannot believe how they get away with it but with people supporting them (myself included), we only have pourselves to blame.
  4. 1 point
    If you add the below i will sign straight away audit on all car auctions to ensure everyone buying is paying there fair share of vat / taxes. Ensure all the major auction houses staff are trained in how to appraise a vehicle.
  5. 1 point
    I'm guessing they've said "Well mate if it's a chain it's £1.6k, but then if the engine has gone, and it's a 4x4 (assuming it's an xDrive), then the subframe has to come off, and yada yada yada.) Not sure exactly how they'd excuse it. Even if it is the engine, he's looking at £3k max for a recon. Not even BMW would charge what he's been quoted.