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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Well he's the other director & family so trust is pretty crucial. We chat beforehand, we both know what we need to be stocking, compare lists pre auction and discuss bits we disagree on. 95% of the time we think each other has made the right call. On the other 5% we try to prove each other wrong so it kinda just works. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I go a bit strong on one through the door, sometimes he buys a dog, but that's always going to occur with hindsight.
  2. 1 point
    Actually, there are now machines that can do turning on a van, mobile. But as MOTORS says, a good wheel repairer can make them look diamond cut. My chap is very good.
  3. 1 point
    Love what I do , get a buzz every day , the days when I stop getting the buzz I'll Pack it all in. Of course we all want to do well as already said each one of us has different targets/ objectives to achieve each month, and as we all know it's so mixed up one month could be the best this year and the next the worst! Just got to be positive and look for new ideas, little tweaks that all add that extra to the bottom line. Some look at sheer numbers of cars sold others look at margins - we're turned on by different things. When I see others doing well I always think fantastic ! love to see others succeed. 'Good old days' ? was there such a thing? 21 Years in business and every year is different - new challenges and new opportunities ever year. Keep smiling and fighting guys and girls the big dealers /groups are after more of 'used car business' share.
  4. 1 point
    I was going to say the same....the delivery people (Amazon etc) are definitely on overtime coming to my house! It's bad enough at normal times of the year- every day something pointless and/or useless arrives! I don't think Her Indoors has gone to a shop yet. And I get to deal with the ridiculous amount of cardboard for even the smallest item! Still ticking over nicely- without Autoraper (sorry, it's been a while ;0) won't break any records but hopeful to hit the 20 mark if we can do a couple more yet.
  5. 1 point
    I wouldn't waste my time drafting letters, I got so sick of the overpowering phone calls, telling me how my cars were expensive (never mind the fact they had the lowest mileages!). It's ok going by averages but they are dragged down by cat c & d etc. Must be 7 or 8 months now since I told AT to poke it and that I would rather close the business than return to them! One of the best things we have done and we are as busy as ever! Not having to fork out that massive bill which grabs so much of the profit from several cars is so nice! If everyone did the same thing, AT would be on its arse and we would be the dictator and maybe paying a pound a car to advertise again!