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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Phill Jones, managing director at Motors.co.uk, added: ‘Our mission has always been to make buying and selling cars easier. The deal with eBay would allow us to take this to the next level and we’re very excited about what it potentially means for our team members, our consumers and our advertisers. Consumers have never heard about Motor's, how can you make it easier when when you are a non idendity. Total bullshit, consumers look on ....... Same as carguru, autovolva, etc the list is endless of ....... Consumers have never heard about Motor's, how can you make it easier when when you are a non idendity. Thats bullshit, consumers look on Autotrader
  2. 1 point
    You'll soon moooooooooove them on
  3. 1 point
    LOL, you are quite correct, but they all mostly get used at least once a week, and I have a load of spare Batteries, which are quite cheap new anyways, I don't need 3 hours + life even one that only lasts 10 minutes would be enough to walk it from the Racking to the Roll Carts Docking Station I think a Dell is far more reliable that any of the Rolls Royce's I've seen over the years
  4. 1 point
    NOACROSS - 2 posts & I think you’ve totally summed up the situation with German wonder wagons. PS give me a Zafira any day of the week over a frigging Golf. They may have their problems but they’re cheap to fix and the owners are generally pleasant. Do the phrases “occasional problem”, “cheap fix” and “pleasant punters” remind you of VW? As the old thread asked something along the lines of “Are Golf owners wired up different?”