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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Simon's model is excellent, works for him, but then I feel Nick is selling the right Vehicles for his location, too many variables depending on too many factors in this game. If it's working for you then don't fockwit LOL, reminds me when I first put up a sign stating Hours of Business ............ DO NOT Knock at House After a while I realised, a lot of my locals actually cannot read............... They understand Fuck Off and come back Monday 8am tho I've only had 2 who kept on thinking they could bang on my door at 10pm etc, and I point blank told them, 3 strikes, after the 2nd time one has turned into a really good customer, and the other I then refused point blank to piss on him if he was on fire, he now has to drive 120 mile round trip to Inverness or use one of the local bodgit and scarpers
  2. 1 point
    I thought you mean Frasier. I had to Google Fraser.
  3. 1 point
    Because at the moment he is letting the billy get the upper hand and making the OP look bad He needs to put the billy back in his box and make him look unreasonable whilstthe OP looks like the bigger man. Then he can leave the ball in his court.
  4. 1 point
    Tell him because of his unreasonableness you will now respond by recorded delivery letter. Slow it all down anted take control
  5. 1 point
    At £3400 hammer, I'd be up at £4,995. Less tip, less prep, MOT, Service and Warranty provision VAT et al, I would be looking to net £1000. Out of that, I have about £100 rent per car per month and TAX, so in reality - £600 after everything (presuming it never comes back).
  6. 1 point
    For me videos work brilliantly, I like to keep them under 3 minutes, just a quick walk around giving an honest appraisal of the car, no cheesy phrases, no jokey banter, (I don’t find many comedians funny so why would people find me funny) no put on voice like Alan partridge, just be yourself and you can’t go wrong. Most customers mention they had seen the video and it gave them confidence in coming down to view the car. I think most people hate the sound of their own voice, it’s horrible!! but once you get used to it and into a good routine it really is easy and for the sake of 2-3 minutes it’s well worth doing!
  7. 1 point
    Come on guys .. we're addicted gamblers ! I mean who in the right mind would buy cars which may break down , buy cars that may sit on the forecourt for ever , buy cars which we know depreciate .. do I need to carry on ! BUT we love it !!