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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    You will be lucky without watching his video and leaving a deposit first
  2. 1 point
    Timewasters are the worst part of the job, especially if you are self employed and sell from home. These people do not distinguish the difference between a forecourt where the staff are salaried and paid to deal with lookers and walk-ins, to a hard working self employed proffessional home-trader whose every hour of your day is about earning money, managing their stock, business and logistics....your time its not to be give away for free. These people are just robbing you of your life and income. If you can accept you will just be a research facility for some, then OK. But believe me, when you start to really value your time you will learn to qualify punters and to gain a commitment over the phone, you wil then move on to getting deposits.... James, you know me I fecking hate timewasters with a vengence. Those "researchers" have stolen a part of your life which you will never get back.
  3. 1 point
    Good evening everyone, Small intro, i am a programmer, 30 years old, love watching cricket, very much interested on cars (to drive), work for a well known tech company in the city. I have plenty of time every weekend, my business skills (soft skills such as presentation skills, negotiation skills are ok but not as great as coding), i would like to gain this experience by working with wonderful people like you. I earn enough, so i am not looking for second income, if any one of you need someone who can support you on weekends (either Saturday and Sunday ) and if you are based near London (i live near wimbledon) or within one hour drive from wimbledon and happy to offer me a role, please let me know. Why: * this will help me to improve my soft skills, i need human interactive work rather than coding. * why car dealer business - well many of you already told how hard it is to handle the request from the user/customer, so i want to be in that situation (to handle frustated or customer with lot of expections for less money etc) How long: * as of now, i dont have any commitments, so i can work all saturdays (or sunday sometimes) Pay: * Nothing, as i said, it will definitely help me to improve my skills that is more than enough. Feel free to ask any question, if you are interested of offer me an opportunity. Kind Regards Raj
  4. 1 point
    Most definitely this! Raj, maybe worth visiting a couple of car dealers locally to you, face to face introduction and all that?
  5. 1 point
    £4K!?!!! I wish I could find punters with £4K for 16yr old cabbies!! Absolutely anything that the roof goes down on impresses (or more accurately ‘makes an impression on’) the neighbours - I had a Megane CC recently and believe me, in not-so-wealthy circles THEY ARE A DESIRABLE CAR - don’t laugh, I kid you not - and I’m going to stick my head above the parapet & say I’d rather be seen in one of them than look like a complete arsehole in an open BMW. Also not everyone can date a car from across the car park like us. In my social circle many friends, ‘er indoors etc. wouldn’t have a clue - if I pulled up in any car and said to the Mrs it was 2 or 10yrs old she wouldn’t know any difference. +1. Let’s be honest though, how many of the general public come back to us with spurious complaints that were pointed out to them & written on the advert in the first place!?!!