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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    We have 2 sites one on a main road and one on a trading estate, they both have 60 used cars, they are both authorised repairer status with manufacturers, one does ok off Autotrader, they both do about the same with motors. I’ve cancelled AT for one and cancelled Motors for the other. Both sites are long established and have advertised with both for years. We’ve cancelled motors for the main road site and AT for the other. I’ve put a challenge to both AT and Motors, measure sales for three months and compare the results against numbers sold historically, I believe we can then gauge the value for both, Motors are keen and up for it, no reply yet from Autotrader. I’m doing it anyway as on the non main road site we’ve only sold 10 this month with only 2 from AT at a cost of £1600 per month. The price of AT was going up in April and it made me think what have I got to lose, I really believe people do multiple searches and often forget which site they saw the car on. This is not an attempt to beat up Autotrader or Motors it’s purely an exercise to see how many we sell at each site with only making one change. I know last years not this year but it’s the only transparent way of gagueing value for money. If I get negative feedback I won’t bother posting the results, if you’re genuinely interest I’ll post the results monthly. Good luck to all in these tough times. Arthur Thicken, driving the prices down.....
  2. 1 point
    Hello Hugh, yes it’s certainly getting harder, I started the MTAU several years ago with a friend and prices paid per car ranged from £6 to £20, they charge what they think they can get away with.. I can get an invoice tomorrow and post it if possible our contract say 38 with 25% free I’ll also screen shot our dealer portal, one thing I can assure you is I’m totally honest, perhaps all the fuss I’ve caused over the years with the MTAU I got a cheap deal, which is still too expensive. It’s actually a bit less than £1600. I don’t know what you mean by ‘your guys’ but I’ll put it on here, if I can’t do it I’ll put my mobile number, business name and web address on and email it to you for your perusal..
  3. 1 point
    Bet the one you cancel AT on still gets buyers saying they saw it on AT
  4. 1 point
    Thanks, ended up going with this guy after reading his feedback and giving him a call, he received the unit on Monday and I got it back by Tuesday! Fitted and all working, customer very happy too. Brilliant
  5. 1 point
    It wasn't owned by Ant McPartlin was it?!
  6. 1 point
    Price paid is the price paid not the RRP
  7. 1 point
    Hi Neil Obviously the higher the car value the higher the margin but also the risks. Rather than aim for £1k per car, work out a margin to work to (it's how I operate). (Take your value and divide by 0.8) IMO - £1k out of a £10k car is not enough. You should be aiming at 20% margin from £5k and above - this is my opinion and I am sure someone will hammer me for saying this. Yours costs will be: Hammer Price + Indemnity + Assured + PDI + Service + MOT? + Warranty + VAT Margin + Transport + Fixed Overheads and only then + Your Margin. This will inevitably put your car above the cost above the cheapest on other websites. My advice, don't try and be the cheapest - prep right and use your skills to sell. A sensible buyer, the type we all like to deal with, will not mind paying a little more for the right car and they will buy from you. The only way to sell cars cheaply is to buy cheaply, often meaning lower quality, higher miles and less prep = more screamers - that's not where I want to be, especially as a home trader myself. Sell fewer, sell smart - that way, you will not be a busy fool. Also, I think anything much north of £5k and you need to be thinking about finance and/or card payments - perhaps another issue trading from home.