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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I imagine you will have some good stories about traders excuses.......slow or non paying,confusing invoices and trying to chip your prices etc
  2. 1 point
    ' But I need my car for work and I have children' When trying to book in 99.9% of customers used cars to fix for free under warranty at short notice and help them
  3. 1 point
    We got done by Trading Standards years ago for a similar sort of thing.These guys would come onto the pitch with clipboards to check your stock.We had an old Fiesta just come in with no docs and showing 5k,it was not priced up.I said while you are checking out our stock,would you mind checking out this Fiesta aswell and they agreed.A few months later these guys come back and I was cautioned because the old Fiesta had not been showing a mileage disclaimer.We had sold the Fiesta by then so I provided the details.We go to court and the council prosecution produce their star witness who was a smartly dressed ex miner probably in his 70’s.He was asked why he bought the Fiesta etc.He said,it was cheap and it was the best car he ever had ! not what they wanted to hear.......Still got fined £65 on the disclaimer issue.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point