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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi Grant Been doing it for years,it definateley works,especially if you are doing at least 10 per week.Set up a separate account and put £100 per sale and it quickly mounts up and claims won’t give you a headache.If you have your own workshop,it even works better. We just lifted the T and C’s from other warranty books and added a few of our own.Basic booklets don’t cost much.However,unless things have changed,you can’t have them printed up as warranty books,warranties have to be underwritten by an insurance company.You can call them ‘mechanical breakdown agreements’ or something and you should be OK.
  2. 1 point
    No ,I don’t think so,I am with them,it’s a bit like those Sierra Cosworths years ago,great sellers but the punters were horrible.Suburu Impreza’s were the same.
  3. 1 point
    totally agree msp, they do lost the plot over sometimes / most of the time i mean, this chain of thought the customers have really does steer what i buy these days
  4. 1 point
    Whilst I really wish I could operate like this, I could never get away with it. What would you do if a customers car needed injector seals, stretched timing chain, abs pump was faulty, etc? In my experience, there are endless amounts of wear n tear issues and so many people seem to lose all rational when a light or a defect presents itself. I operate my own warranty, which lists what is covered and what is not, but id guess 70% of my come back work is stuff that is not covered under my warranty. Just last week I had to get glowplugs changed on a car I sold for £3250 because the car was struggling to start in the cold and the customer was threatening to back the car after having it for 29 days. You can be as clear as possible at the point of sale, but as soon as anything comes to light that requires a customer to part with a penny, all that goes out the window. Its like they have never heard of cars getting repair work done before. Having been to court on several occasions, 50 quid here and there is a lot less stressful. Just my 2 cents........
  5. 1 point
    Do you have a case in mind Jimbo or just gathering info, a lot of what your asking should be covered in your t&c's
  6. 1 point
    Generally does not happen because it is explained that using the warranty on the vehicle involves contacting us or the warranty company. No authorisation no payout. And no I wouldn't refund someone and pay their garage diagnostic bill who have ripped it to shreds as the offer of returning it to the place of purchase would have been made available. Every once in a while you will get a customer who tries it on, goes and gets work done and sends you a bill with no authorisation, communication or anything else. These customers are dealt with very firmly. Its all about arse covering in this job unfortunately, you should learn as you go along, we all do.
  7. 1 point
    What do you guys do with complaints? (treat this as an opportunity to show them why they bought from you in the first place and not from the guy out the back of the petrol station at 9pm step up and sort the fault promptly a simple fix coil pack sump gasket what ever it is will be the cheapest form of advertising you will ever have) if the car is within the first 30 days and you get moans about any kind of issues - oil leaks, drop links, misfires, coolant leaks, etc etc (take your faults as you listed them, oil leaks well these happen from time to time on older stuff even more so but part of your pdi you should have been under the car checking for obvious signs of things starting to go wrong, drop links again don’t just fail unless you live on a mountain with pot holes the size of craters should have been noticed early, misfires well coil packs plugs and leads have a mind of there own not a lot you can do there, coolant leaks yikes ! do you usually pass over to the warranty company and ask them to step in or try and sort repairs yourself? (for me dealing with stuff sub 5k I do all my own repairs in house never needed a company) Looking at last years come backs the biggest was the c1 /107 with clutch faults, so do we stop selling me hell no, it’s the kind of car that attracts first time drivers who are going to be hard on the clutch, the peddles are stupidly close so even I sometime ride the clutch with my big hoofs, but we spin it around change the clutch same day if its done a lot of miles and been driven hard we ask for a contribution, I have a massive percentage of those people coming back next year to upgrade to something bigger once there insurance comes down, if I told them to take a running jump with there clutch faults I very much doubt I would have hardly anyone back. Now what you have to remember is everyone runs there business different the above is how we operate doesn’t make it right doesn’t make it wrong but works for us.