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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    i would sooner shit in my hands and clap then move to the Midlands
  2. 1 point
    2017 for us has been really good. Our only big challenge has been sourcing stock (as always). Where the hell are all those 50k seven year old Fiestas, Golfs and Zafiras actually going? We're not asking for Ferraris, just the most common cars in the UK. 2018 - I envisage squeezed margins as we fight for good stock and buyers have less money to purchase with but similar ridiculous expectations of a used car. Expenses for advertising, utilities, rent and rates will increase. Otherwise I don't think much will change. As Justina3 says - YOU HAVE TO ADAPT. We've seen both our main competitors locally fold, with one disappearing this week. Why? Stocking loans got out of hand for one and they didn't prep properly so were in court every month. The other simply got lazy and stocked and did what they always did which doesn't cut it anymore. Of note, both were renowned for poor prep and sending half finished cars out which is a ticking time bomb IMO. Do the job once and do it right. Sacrifice a few quid in prep now but it will/should pay off long term.
  3. 1 point
    I 99% of the time check mot history before buying. Yes I do this as well. Cazana is very useful.
  4. 1 point
    I only got 421 and only 229 are used! I am trying to sell to 50% fish though being located by the seaside. I regularly look at premises in the Midlands near the other half's parents...five years rent at my present site would buy me a similar sized freehold site up there. Tempting figures but I couldn't move away from the sea. My customer demographic here is pretty nice too...I couldn't bear to move to the Midlands and get asked 'best price, last price' by a certain demographic all day every day.
  5. 1 point
    Ah ok. It's all about TCF. Customers have 10 days to pay the balance and collect the car or they forfeit the deposit, again stated on the deposit sheet. If they have the courtesy of letting us know they don't want the car, for what ever reason, we'll just refund less costs. Maybe we've gone to the extreme and are possibly 'too nice' about how we operate with deposits but it just cuts out arguments. We rarely have any customers pull out (maybe 3 a year?) but I don't see the point in arguing over £40-50, just give it back as a gesture of goodwill even though the customer is the one at fault. It just looks good on the company as a whole to anyone questioning anything.
  6. 1 point
    Forget London,especially South London,been there,done that,got the tee shirt etc. Costs are sky high,punters were all sub prime and that was 15 years ago.Because the traffic hardly moves,it was hard to get punters to travel more than 5 miles.Stay where you are,change your business model,where do you buy your stock !
  7. 1 point
    As a quick survey go on AT and search within 5 miles and see how many cars are for sale...... I got 6445.....
  8. 1 point
    And you think London isnt saturated !! if i was to relocate i would be looking at someone small and quiet where you can build a local customer base, needle in a haystack comes to mind.