Stories,stories........I said you could not nick any at the old Chelmsford,but I forgot,we did on one occasion and this is what happened.These were the days of fax back catalogues,you would make about 30-40 low bid selections and hope your buyer might get one or two.We used have about 4 buyers at different regional auctions most days.Every day you would nick something from somewhere.On this day,the sale has just started and our guy rings to say he has already got 3 and the big lads weren’t there and stuff is for ‘nowt’.So we just tell him ‘fill your boots’,use your own discretion.Half an hour later,he has got a dozen,then we hear nothing from him and his phone is switched off.I am thinking he must not want to be distracted etc.In the afternoon,I still cannot get him,so I ring the auction and ask how many we have bought and have you seen our guy ( who is a well known local ) at Chelmsford.They say,have you not heard ,he passed out during the auction,so we have taken him home.
What happened was,when the big lads arrived late,there may have been traffic problems ,I don’t know,but they probably heard that our guy had bought quite a few.All our guy could remember was that the big guys gofer who used to bring out trays of tea,gave him a cup of tea which must have knocked him out.We never found out what was in the tea,but we had our suspicions,however the Essex boys thought it was hilarious !