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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    On the basis that we are all essentially chancing our luck by displaying them incorrectly (I've never seen a car with trade plates showing them externally, vertically but not obscuring the original plate), and still liable to a fine when they see us using them to the best of our abilities, perhaps we should all simply stop paying the trade plate fee on the basis that it is impossible to use, I'm sure they'd soon sit up and take notice then.
  2. 1 point
    Having lurked on this one I think fair play to the guys involved for starting something that aims to help the trade. I wouldn't ever sign up until I started hearing about its benefits on the grapevine and I guess it's a vicious circle because if everyone is like me it's difficult to get it off the ground...well done for starting up something though chaps. Instead of the sniping that everyone is doing maybe I could add what I would want being a member of a trade body to do for me and see if some answers/suggestions are forthcoming? I want it to be low cost and get big benefits as we all do. So from a membership I would like: A big sign, stickers, point of sale etc stating that I am a member to stick on my office and I don't want to pay for them...I would want some included in the membership with the option to purchase bigger better signs, stickers etc. Support. I want a closed forum the public cannot access that I can post problems and questions to and communicate with people that have experienced said issues before ( I have this already here but another doesn't cost much to start) The body to actually represent something. To Joe public it will mean nothing for years so I need it to mean something to me. I would want it to show that I am a decent dealer so if I go to court being a member might sway a decision. A website with relevant trade news (no offence but car dealer magazine focus's too much on franchises and not on us lowly used dealers). I would want to see legal updates and news relating to our business and a section of FAQs for the trade. A discount on Lawgistics because frankly they have been useful for us and, whatever your opinion of them, represent our trade. Discounts on other suppliers such as keytag, movex, euros, etc. A directory where only traders that have used a service can upload contacts for upholsterers, smart paint, electrical guys etc...this is a thing I would launch myself if I was any good with computers. You sell a car to someone 100 miles away, the EML flashes up two days later and you have to guess which garage local to the client won't fleece you. With a directory that would be easier BUT ONLY if the trade members supplied the contacts rather than it being an advertising page for cowboys who spend too much time online and not enough fixing cars. Good people don't advertise which is always a problem for distance repairs. A 'we're all in it together' attitude. The dealers local to us compete directly with us and by and large we all get on really well, buy from the same sources and use the same trades all in the name of grabbing the same customers. We should hate each other but we don't because we're in it together to an extant and all understand what a crap week of aftersales issues and phonecalls can be like. It can be a lonely and soul destroying game this so a bit of camaraderie (which this forum brings) goes a long way IMO. A website for the trade body where my cars get autofed to. If i'm a member and that's a good thing then I want my stock fed to a website so any potential punters know. I want it to be on the main trade body page with a tab that says something like 'vehicles from our approved members' or some similar BS. That way if I get one sale a year out of the membership it has paid for itself and I don't have to convince my partner it's not a waste of money and more than a d**k rubbing membership. So that's what I would want. My reason is that I used to be in the antiques game and PROPER dealers were members of LAPADA. If you wanted a clock it was 3k but from a LAPADA member it was 4k. You always bought the 4K one though because they were a LAPADA member. LAPADA did most of the above for their members, we're friendly guys and gals, earnt them money by improving their reputation and therefore earnt them money. It'll take time, money and effort but best of luck guys, I wish you well and hope it gets off the ground.
  3. 1 point
    Why would any experienced motor dealer want to be seen promoting this Ali G guy and his co director and their AutoVola website and give approval for 1000 dealers to acquire a 20% stake.Some people might have checked out Ali G first and his claims to being a successfull businessman.AutoVola now looks insolvent and the co director has departed.Then there was MotortradeMe and there could be others ,you have to wonder whether IMDA will go the same way......As they say on Dragens Den, I'm Out !
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    No, if it's on the margin scheme you don't show any VAT. That gets calculated when you do you VAT return. That statement appears to just say it's not a VAT Q car.
  6. 1 point
    Almost as sad as “I have to speak to the wife”. Any real man would be embarrassed to say it - it’s tantamount to saying “I’m sackless, the Mrs. wears the trousers & I’m frightened of her”. Pathetic.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    It doesn't look good, does it.....
  9. 1 point
    I'm not sure what all this relates to. The comments that Met made seems to have caused great offence and I can not see why. If they want to set up an organisation....... crack on. However, if this is what I can expect for my money then I certainly won't be joining. ......... Deep Breath
  10. 1 point
    From the outside looking in, the above quote seems fairly harmless and playful to me. What has followed is petty and ridiculous.