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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I get enough arseholes emailing & on the phone without adding another question for them to bother me with "what's the reg. no.?" As I'm swimming at the bottom of the pond most of my punters are suspicious of everything anyway due to the fact that many cheapies sold elsewhere seem to be absolutely fucked (according to the greedy punters) or have a "tale" behind them such as being undeclared write offs. I think in this cuddly open society we now live in it doesn't compute why a dealer of any quality of car (good, bad or indifferent) wishes to hide the most basic thing from the general public. I'd always thought it was just so the public had to engage in conversation with you but from the responses here it seems to be with cloning & keeping the forecourt tidy As for cloning there are millions of cars on the road & as long as yours isn't the dodgy cloned car, so what? As for keeping the forecourt tidy I pull out the weeds once a week.
  2. 1 point
    what is all this **** ? stick your head up, or go away ! its like bleedin dragons den