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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/17 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Don't waste your time with them. Tell them, you value your time above theirs and unless they they confirm they are a genuine buyers you won't appoint them Take control. If they won't to buy the car they will pay a nominal deposit to confirm intent, wasters won't pay a deposit.
  2. 1 point
    For all the above reasons, I only sell to customers who are polite and respectful irrespective of race. I'm not racist but I do find a lot of UK born Asians intrinsically disrespectful and obnoxious. I simply won't entertain any of the "last price" mob handed, speak in their own language, cannot read brigade if they aren't respectful. I treat people how they treat me, end of.
  3. 1 point
    and then short change you with the inevitable cash they produce, I just say car is sold now, a funny aside I had a gent phone up tring to sound English upper class till I said no offers
  4. 1 point
    I,m on drugs yes. Prescription ones. Never taken an illegal one in my life. I can only speak as I find. My Asian customers tend to be in the 30 to 40 group (heading for middle age as I said) last week I dealt with a father and son. The son was buying, the father was paying. Both were gentlemen. The chap I bought that particular car from was also an Asian around 35. His mother made me the best cup of tea I,ve ever had and fed me chocolate biscuits. As I type this I,m on my way to the Midlands to buy a car from another Asian family and all the signs are that the car will be as described and the deal will be smooth. I may be controversal here but I think I score with Asian people because I give the older ones who,s English is not great a bit of time and patience and try to understand them. Also, I think a lot of buyers (and sellers) immediately switch off and lose interest as soon as they hear an Asian voice on the line. A bit of respect goes a long way.
  5. 1 point
    you deal with middle aged Asian men and have no issues? Are you really in the trade?
  6. 1 point
    When the car is, in their words, perfect for them; in budget, the best one within 40 miles, their favourite colour, the right spec, mint, they researched it and turned up on it, I haven't talked them into viewing it....and they need to think about it. What do you need to think about and what do you think will be out there that is better? It's a standard everyday thing but it makes me want to smash heads together.