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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Saturdays are a quiet day for us usually and today was no different. Had a few potentials for next week. One funny one though...nice 2.4 family. Been looking at our 60 plate Astra online, 1.6 Petrol, Manual, Top Spec, Black, FMDSH, 31k, 2 local private owners, MOT yesterday with no advisories, £500 less than everyone else's that also have more miles. Basically the perfect Astra (jokes aside it really is to those that deal in bread and butter). They want a 5 door, under 45k, must have good history and mustn't have been ex lease. Oh and they have been looking all week and in a 25 mile radius ours is the only one. Oh and that 12 months RAC roadside assistance...hmmmm that's a nice surprise. What you'll take our chopper too for more than the scrappy offered? And you're happy to test drive immediately? And yes, it is a minter and ticks all of our boxes and more. ...well we'll have to think about it and let you know next week. ...I am on my hands an knees praying someone else buys it so I can give the news on Tuesday when they wake up.
  2. 1 point
    Sold my tidy Sierra Cosworth 6 years ago for about £4k. Aren't I the astute one
  3. 1 point
    But during those 2 years, they will have put a few hundred small dealers out of business, destroyed the residuals on hundreds of models, made buying quality nearly-new stock almost impossible, lowered the gross margins to slightly more than bugger all, dumped all of their customer problems on the main dealers still in business (that they've spent 2 years screwing over) and will leave a lot of people very, very angry and bitter when they pack up and move on. Happy days.
  4. 1 point
    Hi Rory,yes they have,they are just like us !,just search Amazon Biggest Failures