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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/17 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Sk try Bollington Insurance who are owned by Ageas on 01625 854458 . They've been great for me over the years, so deffo worth a phone call. There's also two other brokers who specialise in road risk that were recommended to me on here when I was last shopping around, but their names escape me at the minute... Ones Nantwich way and the other Blackpool I think? I'll dig out my quotes when I get a second and pass on their details to you. Right here goes... Network Trade Insurance on 0800 121 6965 ask for Lee - or Premiere Insurance Winsford ask for John on 01606 863400
  2. 1 point
    I very much doubt you will find people with similar problems on here sorry to say, its more like dealers moaning about this and that some days where are happy but there far and few between. And in fairness its not only the motor trade that has a few bad apples there in all walks of life, you only have to turn the tv on and its full of cowboy builders and the likes the list goes on, i do feel if the trade was all bad it would be more shows high lighting them, i know a lot of people in my local car area and can hand on heart say i would only avoid two out of maybe 30 so thats not a bad percentage. Doesnt help you i know just saying.
  3. 1 point
    i would be getting some advise asap, the revenue will love you when they pop along, if you have registered for vat recently they will for sure come out to do a first inspection. You should have an accountant by now maybe ask there advise on a part time book keeper if your that far behind. I do mine daily so there is only a small handful of invoices to deal with, bank account on a app so any monies going out i can record daily so at the end of the month i am not scratching my head why i took a few quid out here and there. Sometimes we are all guilty of being a busy fool, ie spending all the time saving money here and there and then having to give it all away to an accountant as we didnt do the basics ourselves, been there done that got the gold badge.