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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/16 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Worth doing. £150 + VAT is not cheap but you do get full screen price with them. I've not used them for a while and then out of nothing have done two in a week. Both went with Moneyway, I doubt either would have happened if I wasn't set up with them.
  2. 1 point
    Rose Motors, out of interest how much did carfinance 247 want on a sale? I have sold a few via them and paid £150+vat but others I speak to are paying different amounts. betginge if you intend dealing with subprime be prepared for a long drawn out paperchase, I have dealt with most of them and the deal aint done till you are paid, usually after a couple of weeks lots of faxes, then lots more faxes cus the ones they asked for just had a dot in the wrong place, then more faxes cus you haven't signed something even though they initially told you that you don't need to sign,,, but on the whole it is worth it for an extra sale.
  3. 1 point
    I had carfinance247 call me the other day wanting to market my cars on their website. Only pay when making a sale. Worth looking at.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Didn't even realise we had it even though I've used HPi for years; great tool and given me some useful information today!
  6. 1 point
    @jimreidvehicle and @umesh I'm glad you like Spec Chek - it was a product I developed and launched when I was at HPI so it's nice to see positive comments about it from users. @Steve92 If there are things you think aren't right then click on the 'report a problem' link and they will be investigated and fixed. If we sort a problem out it fixes it for all cars with that option so we really appreciate the feedback. Regarding the difference between the check providers, in most cases you get the same data from them all, however there are some differences. Private plates are tricky and the companies are not always in sync depending on the amount of manual processing and work they do behind the scenes. The other big thing is warranty, hopefully most customers will never need to use it but do check the small print - some companies will refuse to pay out if the finance co hadn't updated their records leaving you liable for the bill even thought he car showed as clear when checked.
  7. 1 point
    HPI Spec check is the BEST Thing I ever found out about .. In fact I rave about it Can't buy a car without using it ( I.e. Audi, BMW, Mercedes especially )
  8. 1 point
    Same as said by Rory , If they've seen the car - then Non refundable ( Unless they've said for example subject to the Mrs/Mr ..or a mate giving it once over etc at the start of the process ) AND I do make it clear that if they change their mind ..then sorry its non refundable and I don't really want a deposit if they are not 100% committed .. Only ever had an odd one or two who's changed their mind and to be fair if for example the other half didn't agree and they called the next day as a gesture I've refunded .. its amazing a bit of good will goes a long way! Had one where it was genuinely man lost his job, paid me £500 deposit - car was ready for him and on the day of collection told no job! I agreed to refund half and keep the other should he back in the market ! He was overjoyed with that as he thought he'd lose it all ! Think we have to look at reasons and treat everyone as individual !
  9. 1 point
    No, but I tell them it's not refundable when they place the deposit, if they are unsure I tell them I'd rather they go and have a think about it because if they put a deposit down we take it off sale etc.